Chapter 2: Murderer

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Quick recap-

Sarah was enjoying by herself in club and someone accidentally dropped red wine 🍷 on her outfit and she had to use the washroom to clean it.. On her way to the washroom she bumped into...😉


Back to present-

'See your way and walk miss' says one of the Vivian's men

'I was seeing my way and walking only' says Sarah in attitude, but see the guy is even not speaking for himself instead one of his men on his behalf... He looks in an angry mood now, I better not dig a grave for myself..Sarah continues "I am sorry" and goes from there to find a room..

'stupid girl' says Vivian🙄 and leaves from there

Vivian's POV-

I was in my club for completing an unfinished task which is to be completed before the night ends. I was on my way when a girl bumped into a me,  who was stupid enough to answer me back knowing that is was her fault. But I was not in a mood to initiate a fight right now, I spared her and was on my way to the room.

                     ---End of Vivian's POV---

Author's POV-

There were 5 men's present in the room standing together waiting for their boos, a man was tied up with ropes on the chair brutally beaten and in a very bad condition..

Vivian enters the room with Kol, Amanda(trusted woman of Vivian) and 2 other men. He entered and ordered one of his men to untie the ropes and free him..He did as his boss told him to..

'Really, you thought you would betray me, go against my rules Can?' Vivian shouts angrily

'You should have thought about your little girlfriend before doing all this shit, before leaking my Mafia details to others..huh, who did you betray me with, Henry, Taran, Jackey whooo? VIvian shout again

'You won't answer me, fine Amanda get her' orders Vivian

'Yes boss' says Amanda and gets Hailey; Can's girlfriend in the room

'Here I got your girlfriend, hope you answer me now or else she is dead' says Vivian

'Cann' says Hailey going near Can but was stopped by Vivian as he catches her hand so tightly that she hisses in pain 'ah.. Please leave me' requests Hailey

'Can, answer me or I shall kill' Can interrupts between Vivian and says 'no please don't kill her I will tell you everything..I worked for Jackey, he sent me here as your bodyguard and told me to do all this, I am sorry boss' says Can

Sarah's POV-

I was still on my search to a room so that I can clean and set my dress properly too, and then I found a door which is already open to my luck, I go a bit near to the door and peeped inside to look whether someone's inside or not, there I see many men in fully black clothes, 2 girls, a man holding a girl's hand so tightly that she looks in pain, I suppose that girl might be the girlfriend or someone colder of that man on chair in a bad condition, cause she seems so worried seeing him in pain.. Wait the man who is holding the girl's hand so tightly is the one whom I bumped into a few minutes ago..Wait, but what are these people doing with guns? Are they going to kill them?

                    ---End of Sarah's POV---

Author's POV-

Just then when Vivian points the gun at Hailey, about to pull the trigger, he looks at Can and says "sorry you can't get to say goodbye's to each other, this is for betraying me" and shoots, Hailey falls on the floor and Amanda comes and checks her pulse and says "she is dead" "Nooo" shouts Can

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