Chapter 5: Jailed

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Morning 11 pm-

'Good morning dad' says Sarah

'Good morning Sarah, don't you have to go for work today?' asks Trecker

'No, i took a leave today, i am kind of tired' says Sarah

'Oh okay, come down and have breakfast with us' says Trecker

'Ok coming' says Sarah and goes to fresh n up herself..

10 minutes later, while Sarah was dressing herself, she got a notification from Sid saying (i am sorry)..

'Why is Sid saying sorry, did he?'

'Sarah, come down fast' calls Monika

'Coming, yes mom.. Police? What are they doing here mom? ' Asks Sarah

'Maybe they want to ask you about something on the missing case? ' says Monika

'But why me? What will I know?' says Sarah in a low voice

'Why are you scared, it's not like they will take you along with them' laughs out Monika

'What if they really do take me' says Sarah's subconscious mind..

'Come on go now they are waiting' says Monika and Sarah goes

'Yes..officer?' says Sarah hesitantly

'You are Sarah Williams right? ' asks Officer

'Yes, why? asks Sarah

'Ms. Williams, you are under arrest!! ' says officer

'Uhm..What, why? asks Sarah

'On the charges of Murdering Can Dante' says Officer

'What, no you must have misunderstood officer' says Monika

'No miss, we have got a complain against it also' says Officer

'Who complained officer?' asks Trecker

'Sid Rayon' says Officer

'Why would Sid do it? Are you sure officer it was Sid Rayon?' asks Trecker

'Yes Mr. Williams' says Officer

'Sid, man I trusted you and you betrayed me, i get it now, what that sorry was for' thinks Sarah's subconscious mind..

'You have to come with us, Ms.Williams' says officer and a lady constable comes and handcuffs Sarah's hands

'No mom, dad I don't want to go to jail' says Sarah cryingly

'Did you kill him Sarah?' asks Trecker

'Answer me Sarah' says Trecker in a loud voice

Sarah doesn't answer anything and is silent and her silence is telling everything..Trecker understood that her daughter has killed someone

'Dad, please save me' says Sarah cryingly

'Come with us Ms.' says the officer and takes Sarah along with them

'We are behind you, don't worry we are coming Sarah, we will save you' says Trecker comforting Sarah with his words and they are gone

'We are trying to keep Sarah's past a secret, then who is involving her in mafia? ' says Trecker

'I don't know just save her please' says Monika

'I will' says Trecker and calls his lawyer

'Can we meet now Jack? ' asks Trecker

'Yes sure' says Jack

'Okay then, I am coming' says Trecker

In jail-

'I am innocent officer, please at least let me make a call' requests Sarah

'Fine, only one call then' says Officer

'Here' says officer

'Thank you' says Sarah and calls her dad

'Come on dad, pick up the cal please' thinks Sarah in mind

'What happened?' asks officer

'He is not picking up the call' says Sarah in a disappointing  voice and continues 'can i make one..' Sarah could not complete her sentence as officer interrupts in between and says 'no, take her back in the cell' says officer

'Officer i was forced to kill  him, i am not guilty' shouts Sarah from the cell

'Keep your voice low miss' says officer

'She is right officer, she was forced. Right Sarah?' says Vivian coming near the officer

'And who are you?' asks officer

'Wait, you don't know me, i am really so disappointed to hear that. But here are the bail papers of Sarah, take this money..and shut the case, cancel the complain' says Vivian and hands over the bag of money

'Okay' says officer with a smirk by seeing so much money

'But first let me meet her and talk to her' says Vivian

'Sure, you can go meet her' says officer and opens the cell

'Wait, no officer i don't want to meet or have any talk with him..please..His bribing you with the money and this is against the rules..please' pleads Sarah

Vivian enters the cell and Sarah thinks 'No, this can't be true, my worst nightmare is in front of me and i can't face him..he will kill me and Sarah closes her eyes in fear

'So much fear your eyes' says Vivian and Sarah slowly opens her eyes. 'If you are so scared of me then why did you tell your therapist about our secret?' asks Vivian and continues

'I trusted you and gave you a chance, but what did you do? betrayed me darling really? What did you even gain in return:; the same betrayal from your friend..huh?' says Vivian and laughs

'I..i am so rry..please don't kill me' says Sarah crying and someone interrupts them 'You can leave now, your bail papers have been approved' says officer

'Great..isn't it Sarah' asks Vivian

'Why did you bail me..?' asks Sarah

'Because you are coming with me to Italy to my house' says Vivian and holds her hand and drags her along with him

'No please i don't want to go anywhere with you' says Sarah

'I bailed you, closed the case and i am still showing my hospitality to you..I did many favors on you, you owe me one and the least you could so come on in and sit in the car' says Vivian

Sarah sits in the car forcefully and says 'i did not say you to come and bail dad would have anyway saved me' says Sarah

'Really would he..then where is he? You have been charged for killing someone, you are a Murderer, no one can save you sweetheart' says Vivian

'So are you, even you killed many' says Sarah

'I am a Mafia Boss, i can't be killed nor will someone complain against me' says Vivian confidently

'I will kill you one day' shouts Sarah

'I will desperately wait for that day' says Vivian

So here it is,

Sarah was Jailed and Bailed too

Vivian saved her. What secret is Trecker hiding?

Vivian is taking Sarah with him. What will happen next?

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