Chapter 39: Wedding

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Sarah's POV(3 days later)-

I can't believe, I am getting married! Isn't it great, Vivian proposed me, which was totally unexpected and unreal. He doesn't knows how happy he made me by proposing me, I feel like I am the luckiest girl in the whole world! I am getting married to Vivian Ransom..yohoo! So our wedding is been held next week, almost all the preparations has been done, my wedding gown is been selected, theme has been decided, bridesmaids and rest has been done. Only one thing is left, and that is the venue..yes the venue has not been selected yet. But today I and Vivian are going to check out the venues for the wedding!

2 hours later(At the venue)

'Sarah, meet Vanessa Crane. She owns this place' says Vivian

'Hello Sarah' says Vanessa

'Hii' says Sarah

'Vivian talks alot about you, and he is right. I must say you look more gorgeous in person!' says Vanessa

'Thank you!'

'So this is the woman you were meeting for the venue and I thought that you were cheating on me?' asks Sarah awkwardly

'Yes, and you doubted me for it. But I forgive you for it' says Vivian

'How were you so sure that I had say you yes for the proposal?'

'Because I won't let you marry anyone else'

'Yeah, and I am so sorry to doubt you'

'It's okay. Come let's see if you like the venue'

The venue was perfect, Vanessa told us about all the arrangements. I must say she has a good taste in everything, she helped me alot and made my work a bit more easier. So now even the venue is set, just waiting for the wedding to take place!!

-------------------End of Sarah's POV--------------------

Next day(Morning)

'Morning Sunshine' says Vivian

'Morning!' says Sarah

'Here, your breakfast' says Vivian

'On bed?' asks Sarah

'Yes, because today is special!'

'Special? What is today?'

'Happy 1 year to us!!' says Vivian and kissed her forehead

'OMG, it's already been an year. I can't believe I have been with you forcefully for a year now!' says Sarah and laughs off

'Forcefully, I see' says Vivian and tickles on her neck

'Hey..hey, stop tickling me' laughs out Sarah

'Happy 1 year and many more to us Vivian' says Sarah

The wedding day

Vivian's POV

I can't believe that I had ever imagined to see this day. Today I am marrying the love of my life, Sarah. I never thought that simple girl would win my heart, break this stone man and make him fall for her. Yes, Sarah made me completely fall for her, she changed me for good. She made me realize that I can also feel, feel for someone, have feelings and it's not bad and I thank her for coming in my life and becoming my life. I had do anything for her now, I will protect her at any cost, and I won't let anyone hurt her, not even myself. Because if I hurt her again then I won't be able to look at myself ever again! Today I will be a married man! Who must have ever thought that the most feared mafia boss, who didn't have feelings, would get settle down one day, have a wife and his own family one day!!

-----------------End of Vivian's POV---------------------

Sarah's POV-

I got ready and now I am walking down to the aisle, my both dad's are waking me down the aisle, I look the happy faces around, my mom's, my family and others. Everyone are happy, and I see Vivian at the end of the aisle waiting for me. He looks so handsome. Dad handovers my hand to Vivian and he firmly holds it and I got up on the aisle and he said me,

'You look so beautiful' says Vivian and kissed me on my cheek

'You look handsome too' I complimented him too

--------------------End of Sarah's POV-------------------

'Today, we are gathered here to witness the auspicious wedding of this beautiful couple!! "Do you take Sarah Will..Mill' says the priest in confusion

'Sarah Williams Miller' speaks out Sarah

"Do you take Sarah Williams Miller as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" says Vivian

"Do you take Vivian Ransom as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" says Sarah and they exchange the rings

'Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony." (Priest) "In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!" say's the priest

Vivian comes forward, holds me tight and we kiss mesmerising, passionatly!

'Cheers to the new beginnings, we are married' says Sarah

'Congratulations! We are married, Mrs. Sarah Ransom!' says Vivian

So here it is,

Sarah and Vivian got married, isn't that great!!

Second last chapter of this beautiful book! Hope you enjoy reading this chapter, comment down your thoughts below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!

RR Creations ❤

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