Chapter 26: New day, New start!

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Author's POV-

'Good morning' says Sarah

'Morning' says Vivian

'Get freshen up, we have a meeting'


'I need to tell the gang members that we are together now'

'Oh oh okay' she says in a low voice.

In meeting room-

'So there is an announcement I would like to make. I and Sarah, we are dating' announces Vivian.

'But boss it is against the rules you made' says Amanda

'I made the rule and I am saying it that the rule doesn't matters anymore; I hope no further questions and no problems on this matter anymore'

'No boss' says everyone

'Good!' says Vivian and goes out with Sarah

'See I said you she will make boss fall for her and she did' says Kol

'What do we do now? We can't go against boss and now that they are together so we have to treat Sarah well'

'Yeah, now that there is no rule even we can be together Amanda' says Kol

'Yes, at least something is in our favour Kol'

Later that day

'Come to the backyard' a message pops from Vivian

'Okay, I'll be there' replies Sarah

Sarah's POV

I was in my room when a message pops up on my phone, it was from said 'Come to the backyard' I replied 'okay'. Why is Vivian calling me to the backyard. I don't want him to wait more,so I go to the backyard and I see it was decorated with fairy lights, garden had lily flowers my favorite, I see a table with a candle light and 2 plates..Very well decorated,i guess it's for us. And suddenly I feel someone hugging me from behind, it was Vivian,

'Do you like it?' asks Vivian

'I love it, it's so beautiful..did you do it?' I asked

'Not alone of course, but with the help of my men..our first date; come' said Vivian holding my hand

'I didn't knew that you can be romantic too' I said sitting on the chair

'I can but only with you' says Vivian

An hour later

Our date was really romantic, after having dinner, we danced; only for a few minutes because Vivian Ransom doesn't dance, but I forced him to and he did.. I really like this side of Vivian, the start is so perfect, I wish it remains the same, till the end!

Author's POV

'Hey mom, how are you?' asks Sarah on the call.

'I am good' says Samya

'I have a news' she says in excitement

'What is it?'

'I was successful in making Vivian confess Mom, he confessed that he has feelings for me, and now we are dating mom.. We are dating; Can you believe it because I can't, a new start it is'

'That's great baby, I am so happy for you'

'Mee too, I am glad that I came back'

'Always stay happy dear'

'I will. And how's dad, Nathaniel, Tara and Steve?'

'They are all good'

'I miss you all, I will come soon to meet you guys,  take care mom..bye!!'

Monster, not good Sarah, change his name now..he's no monster now.
And she edits Vivian's name from Monster to Viv 'Now this is perfect'

So here it is,

A new day brings a new start!!

Vivian and Sarah went on their first date, it was perfect, will it stay as it is?? What do you think? Comment down below, like and follow up my page for more updates!!

RR Creations ❤

"The Murder" That Changed My LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz