Chapter 19: I Know It Meant Something To You!

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2 days later-

Author's POV

It's been 2 days since their conversation, people used to come and check on Sarah, ask about her health and all. Sarah was all bored now, doing nothing but sleeping the whole time, as she cannot move much now, as doctor said that she will still need to rest. Meanwhile Sarah was applying cream on her wound, when Vivian enters her room and-

'Hey' says Vivian

'Hii' says Sarah surprisingly as she did not expect him to pay a visit, he sits on the bed and asks her 'how are you now?' asks Vivian in a soft tone

'I am good now, thank you for asking!'

'Is there anything you need?'

'No nothing, but I am very bored here full day bed rest, I feel homesick, take me somewhere out please Viv'

'You are sick Sarah, and no!!! You will stay here at home. So take rest for now'

'You look concerned? Why?'

'I am, you are the longest one injured for days than compare to my any other people in the gang, so yes I should be worried about your recovery Sarah.'
'Do you want me to help you with something' asks Vivian

'Uhmm, yes...Do you mind applying this cream near my abdomen, it pains when I try to bend down my body' says Sarah and gives the cream to Vivian. He takes the cream and Sarah slightly lifts up her top, and he applies the cream carefully. 'Done'

'Vivian' says Sarah and holds Vivian's hand and put it on her cheek and continues 'Can't you see in my eyes that I like you Vivian, I do and I could do anything for you, like; I can even die for you' says Sarah and Vivian caress her cheeks 'Why can't you for once be honest with me and confess your feelings to me, we can be together you know' says Sarah and Vivian comes close and kisses her lips passionately, their kiss lasted for at least for 2 minutes when Vivian stopped 'Take rest Sarah' says Vivian and was going out when Sarah spoke out 'I know it meant something to you, that night, sleeping with me, saying me I Love you, everything meant something to you Vivian, whether you like it or not ,accept it or not but that's the truth!!' says Sarah and he goes from there.

Vivian goes out of the room and thinks 'Did it?'

So here it is,

Readers, here's an insider for the next chapter

It's gonna be a little bit about Vivian's POV of the night they had share!!! So get ready for reading Vivian's POV.

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