Chapter 33: Let's go back to where it all started

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Author's POV-

'What happened up there?' asks Tara

'Something unexpected happen, but it was good!' says Vivian

'So this means everything is sorted out between you both?' asks Samya

'Yes ma'am, almost sorted out. All thanks to you' says Vivian

'What is going on here? Someone please tell me why was my daughter hurt?' asks James

'So here's the thing dad, Sarah and Vivian were dating each other for awhile I guess before Sarah ended up here, and rest is history..i don't know' says Nathaniel

'Sarah was dating you, who all knew about it huh?' asks James

'Mom and me that's it' says Nathaniel

'And you hid it from me and Tara, Samya? Why?'

'Darling, because she didn't wanted you to know about it at that moment, she herself wanted some time to tell you and now that everything is okay. I don't think that we even need to know the reason behind Sarah's arrival here, it's good she here, its been quite some time since we last saw her' says Samya

'I sent my daughter with you to keep her safe, because she wanted to be in Italy, not to date you or for you to hurt her feelings. By this I understand one thing very nicely that you are not the right man for my Sarah' says James

'How could you even say that sir? Without knowing what I feel for Sarah?! She loves me, so do I love her. You just came in her life a few months back, I know her for longer than you do. I know about her happiness and everything. Trust me I am the right man for Sarah'

'Why don't we let Sarah decide that for herself' says Nathaniel seeing Sarah coming down

'What is happening here?' asks Sarah

'Are you okay now?' asks Tara

'I am doing fine!!' says Sarah

'Are you sure?' asks Samya

'100% mom. Now will someone say me what is this fuss all about?'

'My brother and dad are discussing who is the right man for you. So please tell us Sarah, do you want Vivian to be in your life or not?' asks Tara

'You didn't tell me about your relationship with Vivian?! Why Sarah? Don't you trust me?' says James

'Dad, I am sorry! I should have told you about it, but I didn't have the courage to tell you. Yes the fact that I Love Vivian is right, but I need time to think about us now. I want to be completely sure about him. And about whether I want to be with him or not, let's just think that I and Vivian are on a break for now' says Sarah

'Break?' says Vivian

'Yes break, and till the break is not over, I think you should go back to Italy Vivian' says Sarah

'I am not going back to Italy without you!' He said and left from there in anger.

'He's not the right man for you' says James

'Dad, let me decide that, please!' says Sarah

'Fine, but next time don't hesitate to tell me about anything..okay?'

'Okay Mr.Miller' says Sarah

Few hours later

'Here' says Tara

'What is it?' asks Sarah

'An invitation to Vivian's house' says Tara

'New house, where?'

'Beside our mansion, he seriously bought a house beside ours, and I think he did it for you'

'And why do you think like that?'

'Because his mansion has a name too, it is "Virah". Don't you get it Sarah? Vivian and Sarah, it's Virah. My brother really loves you Sarah, you guys should get married already, the both of you!!'

'Tar, control your emotions my dear, ain't you seeing its too early for us to get married. Right now I want some time to think about us first!'

Virah Mansion

'What is this?' asks Sarah showing off the inauguration card.

'Inauguration card for our new mansion!' says Vivian

'I can see that Vivian, but why did you sent it to me?'

'I sent it to your whole family, not you alone!' say's Vivian

'I know that, but I said you I need time to think about us, then why don't you understand it. I mean to say that you shouldn't have shouldn't have sent the invitation. Why are you doing all this?'

'I sent it your father as for a business relationship, as a Mafia leader'

'You know what, it's waste having a conversation with you when you don't care to listen to it, and I am not coming in the opening ceremony of your house' says Sarah and was about to leave but,

'Sarah, listen. Let's go back to where it all started, where our relationship started!'


'Yes, do you remember our first meet, our first encounter in the club, our first date. It was all perfect, I want you to be the old Sarah, the grumpy one, the one who fights for what is right, who is always right, who use to fight with me. Let's go back to Italy Sarah' he said but she leaves from there!!

So here it is,

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RR Creations❤

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