Chapter 21: Family

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Author's POV

It was morning 9 am, everyone has gone to work, Sarah did not go to work today, as she wanted to tell her family the truth so badly, that she lied to Vivian and stayed back at home, yes she got the message of her dad that they are the ones in the picture, Trecker was shocked for once that how is it that they are alive, they still don't know, guessing they were saved that day and Sarah told him that currently she was living with them and is going to tell them that she is their daughter. No one's at home except for few people including Sarah, Tara, Samya and that's all!

Sarah grabbed the opportunity and saw that no one was around, and entered Samya room, and she saw the frame in which she was with her family, her mom, her dad, her brother and mini her. Suddenly she saw someone entered the room and it was none other than Samya and she spoke out,

'Sorry, I shouldn't be here, I was just passing by and' she lied maybe because she wasn't ready to say the truth. 'No, no worries' says Samya and takes the photo frame in her hands and says 'My daughter Alaya Miller, I lost her in a bomb blast when she was just a baby, 2 year old, we went for a family day out, all four of us. We came with our guards and 2 of our most trusted people for safety, Nathaniel was demanding for an ice cream, so we stepped out of the car, me, James and Nathaniel, we left Alaya with our people as she was sleeping, so we were buying Nathaniel an ice cream, suddenly we all heard a loud noise, a blast voice and our car flew in the air, all burned up, Nathaniel started crying, I looked in James eyes, realizing that our daughter Alaya was in there, when we inquired the inspector about it, they told that no bodies were found in post motum, they told us maybe the bodies was all burned due to the blast. Our daughter Alaya was dead, we couldn't save her that day, I wish we never had left her in there' narrates Samya unknown to the fact that her daughter Alaya was not dead day, but was saved by Trecker and Monika. When they are having ice cream with Nathaniel, Trecker and Monika was handling Alaya, Trecker got a call, so he had to get down of the car and Alaya was awake so to give her some fresh air, Monika also got down of the car with Alaya, she was holding Alaya in her arms and walking with her on the opposite side of the car, when they were back after a walk, they saw that their car was all burned up, and when inquired around, they got to know that there was a blast, and many people were dead, Alaya started crying when they realised where are James, Samya and Nathaniel? They tried to find them but failed, they were no sign of them, inquiring the police, they got to know that many people where dead due to the blast attack, and they aren't able to identify the bodies, due to the burning. To their disappointment, they accepted that Alaya's parents were dead, and decided to raise her, so they adopted her.

'I am sorry to hear that, and I appreciate the honesty' says Sarah and goes

Sarah's POV-

'Why wasn't I able to tell her the truth, I need to tell them that I am their daughter, I am alive. I was not dead that day. Sarah you will need to gain the courage and tell them' Sarah encourages herself

'Fine, I will tell them about it today, at dinner' thought Sarah

Night, dinner table-

Everyone was home from their work, they were at dinner table, James was at the head chair, to his right was Nathaniel, beside him Tara, beside her Steve, and beside Steve is Sarah. To James left was Samya, beside her are Kol, beside him Amanda, Max and Jenny! When they are having their dinner quietly, and Sarah stood up and spoke,

(Everyone was wondering, what has she got to tell, Amanda is curious to know what is it now,that she is pulling a stunt about?!)

'You know who my parents are? Ever wondered why we share the same surname? No right, it's because we share a connection. That day when Mrs.Ransom asked whether we share any connection or not and my answer was no, but today i have an answer to it. That connection, I found out last night, how? I asked my parents who aren't my real parents, yes whom I thought are my parents for my whole life weren't my real parents. How did I know? Thanks to Vivian, when I was in Italy, for a vacation, I met Vivian, he got information about my parents, they aren't my biological parent, Trecker and Monika William's , does it rings a bell? Yes they were part of your mafia once and I am their adopted daughter, I asked them about my real parents, they told me the truth, but my real parents were dead, when I got to know about them, they were dead, And to my bad luck, i never got the chance to meet them.
I was devastated knowing that, I somehow controlled it, but when I came to Mexico, I found them, they were alive, no one knew about it, I connected the dots, and found them. I was happy that I found them, they were always in front of my eyes, so close to me, but yet so far.
Today with alot of courage in me, I finally let that truth out, that girl in the photo frame is none other than me, Alaya, it's me! I know it must be hard to believe that Alaya whom you thought was dead, is suddenly alive or i could say she was never dead, but it's me only, your daughter is alive' says Sarah and waits for their reaction, when no one spoke, Nathaniel in curiosity spoke out,

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