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Jungwon didnt take me home he brought me to the Seul bridge.There he stopped the car and told me to get out of it.Im so confused on why though.

"And what are we doing here,didn't you tell me you're taking ne home?"I asked him but he was just watching the scenery.The water sound was so relaxing."Did you get what I meant?"He asked me but what should I get."What did you meant?"I didn't want to sound rude but that's how smart I am did he say something to clarify anything.Because if he did I wasn't in my right state.

"Fuck it ,Dohee you could be so dumb sometimes.I kissed you doesn't that mean something."Oh the kiss.I was definitely blushing so bad.He caught me off gaurd."You did kiss me but should that mean something."Jungwon finally turned at me."Dohee I like you."He confessed his feelings about me and they were positive."Look it's okay if you don't feel the same,Im really not pressuring you into doing so.I just wanted to say that I like you so much it's making me go crazy."

"Why didn't you say sooner."I said but he looked lost.Without hesitating I kissed him.I stopped and looked at him."That's my answer."I said and proceeded kissing him.The moon was shining above us.It was just magical.Two hours ago we were fighting and now we had just confessed our feelings.

I looked him softly in the eyes and smiled."You don't know how much I waited to tell you this."I said making him smirk."Then you should've.But you know this contract should be broken."Jungwon said still hugging me by putting his hands on my waist.

"What do you mean, why should we break it off."He smiled a bit."That's not I meant.The contract says that we aren't in love with each other so it's just keeping us by each other's side.Now that we confessed there no way I'm letting you go,cutie."Jungwon explained making me flustered.He just knew wich words make me feel like buckets of butterflies entered my stomach.

"Okay then thats what we're doing."I said jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist.He hugged me so tight I felt so safe in his embrace.

He could have noticed my shivering body."And this is a second explanation on why you should cover up.You're freezing."And with that he brought us back to the car and covered me with his jacket.

Jungwon brought me home and I gave him a peck on his lips.And I proceeded to leave the car."You didn't give me a kiss."He said a bit annoyed."Tomorrow,goodnight."I blew him a kiss and entered the house.He obviously left too.

"I'm home."I yelled so my parents would know I was home."We're in the  living room,darling."My mom said and I went to them."Dad I want to tell you something.And hear me to the very end.Ok?"I said knowing he's going to interrupt my sentence like thousands of time making stupid questions.

"Okay I will,just tell me what it is."
I sat down and looked at both my parents."So me and Jungwon decided that we are going to break the contract beacuse...We fell for each other and don't need the contract to held us up anymore."I said and looked at them who's jaws were on the ground."Darling,I'm so happy for you."My mom said and hugged me.And dad had his I knew it look on."And this is how my predictions are always right and you should heat me more."My dad said wich made me laugh.

I went up to my room.Closed the door behind me and sat on the cold floor.I couldn't belive it.Everything felt untrue like it didn't happend and I was just imagine it.

After some minutes I got a text it was Jungwon.


Did you tell your parents?
I can't wait until tmrrw.

Yeah I did and they're over the moon

Glad to hear it..
I miss you:(

But we just were together won.

That's never enough.
You're calling me nicknamed now.

Well I like calling you won can't I?

You can call me what you want to
Cutie,don't get sulky;)

I'm not but seriously goodnight it's so late aren't you tired.

I'm never tired for you.But since you had a long day goodnight


Jungwon it's such a cold person I have never seen him like this.Hes my cutiepie.Now I'm blushing at my won words.It is late so I should probably get to bed.Tomorrow held a lot for me didn't it?

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