Prologue: Alessa:

24 4 1

Meeting at 9 to go swimming with Sarah probably wasn't my best idea, but it was the only time I could meet with everything going on today. I didn't expect Micheal to come hurt me; I didn't hear him walking up behind me all I felt was the pain from him hitting me in the head from behind. I didn't expect him to grab me by my hair, laugh, and drag me out into the lake.... How he knew I would be here today was a surprise considering I haven't spoken to him in a week since I left. Listening to him laugh like someone I hadn't spent the last 4 years dating as he shoved my head in the water, I fought it at first.

Trying to get my legs back under me so I could stand, trying to grab his hands, and his arms, and do anything I could to breathe. But I can't. It was dark and cold and all I could think about was what I had planned to do that day. I was going to go to a party with my friends. I had plans to go shopping for clothes for my new job I am supposed to start next week and have dinner with my mother. But here I am in the dark and in the cold. I stopped fighting it, I've accepted that I'm going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. Life doesn't flash before your eyes like they say it does in the movies, at least for me it didn't. All I could think about was the plans that I had made that I wasn't going to be able to do. Then I hear him screaming like he's been hurt, and he lets go and I'm flying out of the water trying to catch my breath.

I look over and Sarah is screaming at me telling me to run, and she hits him again. She sees I'm not running and begins to drag me and starts freaking out because I'm not running fast enough based on the look on her face, she is terrified that this is going to be the end for both of us. I hear him behind me groaning as he begins to make his way to his feet. We make it to the riverbank just as the police cars pull up and jump out to get him. They pull him out of the riverbank, his head is bleeding, and his shirt is covered in blood from the head wound Sarah gave him. Looking at me he's just smiling as they drag him to the car and shove him in.

The moment the door closes he starts laughing and for the first time since he hit me, I begin to feel terrified. The next 4 hours go by in a flash and I'm finally getting home after getting checked in the hospital and being questioned by the police. It's finally over. Mentally I know it's far from over, my mother is going to want me to talk to a therapist, and then there are the court cases where I am going to have to be questioned in front of him. I'm going to have to relive every moment with him up to the point where he tried to kill me. Hitting my bed, I begin to cry. Sarah hasn't spoken to me since she left the police station. She didn't even look at me when she left, she didn't come to the hospital and hasn't called or texted me. My mother tried to get me to come back home so I wouldn't be alone. She practically begged me to come and even offered to stay but I couldn't be near her. I didn't want to be near anyone at that moment. I just wanted to be alone, I'm not supposed to still be here....

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