Chapter 7 - Alessa

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Coffee was a bad idea. He is talking to me about what he likes to do for fun, what he likes to read, his plans for the week and all I can do is look at his mouth. I think of his mouth on me, his head in between my legs. How his lips felt as he kissed his way up my body biting my nipple. How rough his hands felt when he rubbed up my body and grabbed me by the throat. Something I didn't know I liked until he did it, or maybe it was just him doing it that I liked. I squeeze my legs together trying to control that familiar feeling in between them as I looked down at his hands, "Alessa?" I jumped at the sound of my name. "I'm sorry, I zoned out can you say that again?" while trying to get the images out of my head, thank God he can't read my mind. "I asked what are some things that you like to do?" what do I like to do. I used to love swimming, but I have gone swimming in a year not even in a pool. I used to be outgoing and adventurous, but I haven't been that way in a long time, I play it safe now going to go work and straight home except for Friday night when I went to the bar. I sigh "nothing really, with work I don't have much time to do anything except read." He shakes his head and looks around the coffee shop, it's a little coffee shop with 2 other people in a booth and 3 employees playing on their phones. We are sitting at a table by the window, I'm looking outside to see if I can spot Micheal again. "Why did you leave the other day?" he asked, I turned my head back to him and he's staring directly at my mouth. I smile knowing that he's probably thinking the same things I am. "I don't do one-night stands, in fact that was the first time I had ever had one." I look down and move my hand closer and start hand circles on his hand "would you do it again?" without looking up "probably not." I reply. He sighs "why not?" I look up at him and his eyes look sad and now he's looking down at his hand as I continue to make the circle. "I don't sleep with people I work with." "We don't work together" he replies quickly. "Your book was picked up by my company which means we work together." He doesn't say anything after a few seconds he grabs my hand locking his fingers with mine and I look at him tilting my head "what are you doing?" He just looks at me and smiles "What are you thinking about?" he says. I can feel myself blushing "I'm thinking about work, and how Nancy is going to treat me tomorrows since you rejected her." Theres no way I would tell him I was thinking about his mouth in between my legs and his hands on my breast. Theres no way I'd tell him I was thinking about how it felt to have him inside of me. "You? I ask, "You." He says with a mischievous smile "But you don't sleep with the people you work with, so I guess I'll just make up what we do in my head." Growing up my mother always told me if a boy every gives you butterflies to ignore them, the butterflies are your bodies was of telling you to stay away, find the guy you don't have them with, find the guy you feel safe with, I didn't listen to her before. I didn't listen to the butterflies when they showed up with Micheal, but they aren't here with Liam. I don't feel them, I feel shy and nervous, but no butterflies. He kisses me, just a quick kiss, and pulls away smiling. "I've wanted to do that since I saw you at the table during lunch." He says, I shake my head yes "me too" I think to myself. He pulls me up and holds me hand pulling me out the coffee shop, once we get out on the sidewalk, he drapes his arm around my shoulders and we just walk in a random direction, neither of us know where we are going, we just walk in comfortable silence. I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk. We end up walking to a park and sit down at a bench while we watch the people at the park. "Can I have you number?" he asks me, and I just look at him debating with my inner self. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't think Nancy would like it if she knew I gave my number to you." "Why does it matter what she thinks?" he asked me "I'm not attracted to her, so whatever she thought was going to happen wouldn't." "That's not what I mean." I said "As a client, I don't think she would like the idea of me giving out my number. She usually spends most of the time with clients, I just read the manuscripts." I shrug. He rolls his eyes, feeling embarrassed I look around to try to keep him from seeing how sad I am. "I think you have a wall put up and you're trying to keep me out, I don't think it has anything to do with work." He says to me. "Well that's a bit presumptuous of you" I say slightly annoyed that he can read me like an open book, there are other reasons for keeping myself closed off too him, but that's nothing for him to be concerned about. "You know if you weren't so uptight you might actually be happy with life, instead of comfortable." He says back. I looked at his shocked "you can't even take no for an answer when asking for a phone number, so your one to talk. Also, what makes you think I'm not happy with my life." I snap at him. "I can take no for an answer when someone gives me an actual reason. Work isn't an actual reason, and because you couldn't even tell me a hobby you have. Your answer was work, works not a hobby." "I'm going home" I say as I stand up and start walking away. "Good we can share a cab" he says as he starts to follow me. I roll my eyes, this man is so infuriating. He calls a cab, and we climb in, I tell the driver my address and place my bag in between us and face the window letting him know that I have no intentions of talking to him. It was a quite drive, we pull up to my building "you literally two blocks away from work, we can see the building from here." He says to me, I glare at him and pay the cab driver 'works not a hobby!" he yells as I shut the door, I look back at him and he is smiling at me as they drive away. "ughh!" I storm off, "Bad day?" Phillip says and I take a page from his play book and just grunt at him. When I get to my apartment, I relax, the weird feeling I had the other day when I came home was gone. I plop down on the couch and text Jamie asking if she could bring home any mail in my mailbox in my office and send her my address. I'm hoping that there is something there that I can do to keep my mind off everything that happened at the park. I don't understand what happened we were having such a good time. I sigh, maybe I do need to find a hobby I could take up yoga. That's supposed to be relaxing, I get up and go to my room to look up information about yoga and find a place and class for me and sign up. "Ha take that Liam." I say out loud with a smile on my face. As soon as I shut the computer there's a knock at my door. It's a florist, I open the door "Alessa Montgomery?" "That's me," I open the card "Our destinies are intertwined." I look back up to the guy "Do you have the name of the person that sent these? I asked very confused. "Nope, it was paid for with cash." He says shoving them at me before walking away. Okay then, I place the card and flowers on the table and look at them, they are beautiful black roses. Which is different, Ive been given flowers before typically red roses, or even random flowers on the side of the road. "Maybe it's to match my hair." I say out loud talking to myself. Either way they are beautiful. I'm assuming its Liam, he saw the building I live in, I don't think it would be hard for him to get my apartment number. I look at the flowers one last time before going to the bathroom to take a shower, just as I finish, I hear a knock at the door I quickly wrap myself in a towel and run to the door looking through the hole I see that its Jamie. She raises her hand to knock, and I quickly unlock the door "What happened at lunch today?!" she says the second the door is opened not caring that I'm standing there in a towel. I laugh "Hi Jamie, it's nice to see you too. Do you have any work for me?" she walks in and rolls her eyes as she shuts the door. "Nancy was pissed when she got back and started yelling at everyone over nothing. You weren't with her, we assumed that she fired you over lunch." I make a face, "I still have a job as of right now, but I'm sure if I will after tomorrow." She's digging through her bag for something, so I take the opportunity to go to my room to put my pajamas on. When I return, she's sitting on the couch and there's a few papers in front of her. "This was everything that was in your mailbox." She points to the table. I nod my head letting her know I heard her. "So, what happened?" so I tell her everything. From lunch to the guy I went home with ended up being Dakota, and Nancy hitting on Him, and everything after. "Wow, so did you give him your number?" I shake my head no. "You should have Nancy will get over it. She's married anyway she shouldn't have been hitting on a single man. Plus, she's old enough to be our grandmother." Which makes me laugh. We end the conversation of work on that note and begin talking about me signing up for yoga, I ended up making dinner and we ate while watching a movie. 

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