Chapter 10 - Micheal

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I hate that I can't be the one next to her on the couch right now. After dancing with her on the dance floor and touching her body. I hate watching them two together on the couch through the camera as he rubs his fingers up and down her arm as she sleeps. "Damn it!" and slam my fist on the table making it shake and my cup fall to the floor. I look down at the shattered glass on the floor next to the water, I sigh as I get up leaving it there. I need to hurry up and get out of this shithole. It was the only place that would take the cash that I stole off the guard when I left her body in the ditch. I plop down on the mattress on the floor and think about the day I got out of jail. The guard was beautiful, and it didn't take long to get her attention after a few compliments here and there. She had beautiful blonde hair like Alessa. That's what attracted me to her, every time I saw her, I thought of Alessa. Getting out of prison was easier than expected all she did was tell the guard that I was being moved to another prison. She put me in the back of the van, the other guard not knowing that there wasn't anyone in the back waiting for me. After about 30 minutes of driving, she pulled over. Killing her was easy, she was little probably 5'6" maybe 5'7". She let me out of the back and before she could say a word in was on top of her using the chains to choke the life out of her. I didn't sleep with her, though I wish I did now, I could have pretended with her blonde hair that she was Alessa. I could picture her from before when we used to sleep together, her moans, the way her body felt under me. But I didn't, I didn't want to risk being caught on the side of the road. She already had clothes for me in the van under the seat so I just dragged her body, after getting the key to take the cuffs off and left her body to whatever wild animals that would find it. After that, I drove off to a little shitty bar in the middle of nowhere and hotwired another car. I followed Alessa's mother around after that, it wasn't hard to do. The only time she ever saw me was in court and she's not very bright. You would think she would have noticed me after all I was the one who tried to drown her daughter. It took her going on one date to spill everything about her daughter. What she did to her hair, where she works, where she lives now. I smirk thinking about the entire date, the guy was uncomfortable with her, but she seemed to have a good time which was good for me. The happier she was, the more she talked about Alessa, the easier it was to make a plan of what to do to her when I saw her and how to get to her. What I didn't expect was the guy that's with her now. I look up at the monitor and see him picking her up off the couch and walking her to her bedroom. He takes her shoes and pants off and she rolls over just as he walks out of view. "Yes!" I stand up quickly grabbing my shoes to put them just as he comes back into view and gets in the bed on the other side. My grip tightens around my shoe, and I throw it at the already broken mirror on the wall. Causing it to fall and break into pieces on the floor. "FUCK!!!!" I scream. I pace back and forth debating on what to do. I can't go to her apartment, and I don't want to stay here. After a few minutes of watching them on the monitor, I decide I'm leaving and going back to the bar. If I'm lucky maybe the girl Alessa was dancing with is still there, I think to myself as I shut the door to the apartment. 

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