Chapter 9 - Alessa

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It takes until Friday before Nancy talks to me again after the lunch incident that happened on Monday. She would send other people to come to me to tell me what she needed done, which is better than what she does to others, I didn't get sent home for the week. I don't hear anything from Liam either besides the flowers that he had sent to my apartment, the more I thought about it the more I think of how much he had to spend on them to have had them sent to me so quickly after I got out of the taxi. I don't know why I expect him to say anything to me considering besides the building that I live and work in he doesn't know what department I work in, or what apartment I live in. I didn't even give him my number for that matter which I kicked myself mentally for not even asking for his either. I sigh. I need to let go of the past and put myself out there again. "Are you coming out with us again tonight?" I look up and see Jamie standing at my door. I shrug "I don't know going out isn't really my thing and I don't want to give Nancy a reason not to talk to me next week by not finishing these stories. I've got 3 to be done by Monday now." She rolls here eyes. "But look how well things went when you went with us last time!" she laughs out loud. "He may be there tonight." She winks at me suggesting that maybe he'll sleep with me again. "And what about Jayden. I haven't even seen him since Monday, and I told you how he acted." She shakes her head "You don't even know if that was about you. Also, I invited the girl he was talking to that day so she can keep him busy." I just look at her "Come on Alessa" she whines. "Okay" I said knowing that I'm going to regret it tomorrow when I'm rushing trying to get these stories done in two days.

Back to the bar, Jayden is with the girl from Monday as Jamie promised. He doesn't even glance my way when I walked in and I'm thankful for that, I'm not sure what to say to him or his attitude but that's for another day. I don't see Liam when I walk in which makes me disappointed, Jamie and I sit at the bar as I order our drinks and she scopes out her next victim for the night. A few mins goes by before I realized that I had chugged my drink, and Jamie orders us two shots. "lets go dance after this" she says. I shake my head yes and drink, trying not to cough as the liquor burns my throat as it goes down. I shake my head "that was horrible!" she laughs pulling me to the dance floor. Theres a lot of people here tonight so it takes us a few minutes to get to the middle of the dance floor and only two seconds after that before some poor guy has his hands wrapped around her waist letting her grind all over him while she dances to the random song the DJ is playing. When the first song ended someone came up behind me and danced with me while Jamie and I danced together, she looks at him and smiles, then looks back to me and winks at me, I just smile and roll my eyes. After the third song is over and the new one begins, the guy lets go of me and goes on his way while Jamies removes the hands of the guy she has been dancing with and replaces them with mine, trying to get her random guy to take the hint to leave but he doesn't. He stays behind her the entire time just watching us dance, which in my mind in creepy enough to make me not want to dance anymore and just go back to the bar. Jamie notices that I stop dancing and turns around "Fuck off" she yells over the music, and he slows backs aways smiling. I shiver, she rolls her eyes and goes back to dancing. I try to get back in it and dance with her, but I can't I just feel like someone is watching me, I look at Jamie and nod my head back to the bar and she grabs my hand. We go back to the bar, and she orders herself a drink and I order a water this time. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing and I feel full exposed like someone's going to jump out and get me at any moment. "I think I'm going to leave." I say as Jamie takes a sip of her drink. "I'm not feeling very well." I say before she starts to beg. I look around the crowd as well as I can to see why I'm feeling this way, not seeing anyone or anything that could be making me uncomfortable. She pouts "okay, do you want me to walk you home?" she asks. "No, ill be fine." I smile, she hugs me and I grab my bag and walk out the door. Just as I walk out the door I run directly into Liam. "We have to stop meeting this way." He laughs and I just smile at him. "I'm sorry, I was just going home." I say, like he just caught me doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing. "Alone?" I shake my head yes. "Could I walk you home?" I look around, the feeling I had is no longer there. "Sure." And he smiles and we start to walk. We walk in silence for a few minutes, "I got a hobby." I say, he laughs "and what did you decided to try to do? Knitting? Painting?" he says. "Yoga. It's supposed to be relaxing." I laugh. He nods. "And makes you more flexible." Which makes us both laugh. We don't speak again before we get to my apartment. "Do you want to come up?" I say and he looks back in the direction of the bar, "or do you have a date waiting for you?" I ask feeling surprisingly jealous and annoyed thinking about him going out with someone else. "No, I don't have a date Alessa." He says looking back at me. Phillip who had been standing there waiting for him to decide so he can open the door speaks up "Then go up with her." He says in an annoyed tone. "Thank you, Phillip." I say completely embarrassed. He just nods his head at me and Liam laughs. "I'll come up." We walk to the elevator in silence, and I think about whether I should think him for the flowers or not. I tossed they yesterday because they started to die, part of me is glad but the other part wishes I would have kept them, so he saw I got them. I decided against bringing it up, I don't want to embarrass him, if he brings them up then we can talk about it. We get to my apartment, "it looks exactly like I thought it would." He speaks. "What exactly does that mean?" I say shutting the door and turning to look at him. I watch him as he walks around the living room, I take a quick glance everything is cleaned so I'm not sure what he means. He ignores my question and sits down on the couch and grabs the remote to the tv. Okay, I think to myself, just make yourself at home then. I go to the kitchen and make him and myself a cup of tea, I walk out and sit in the chair instead of on the couch beside him and hand him the drink. "Tea." I say as he looks at him and takes a gulp and puts it on the table. "So I have a confession," he says. My heart drops as I think the worst, he's got a wife or girlfriend and coming here was a mistake. I look down at my hands not knowing what to do or say, "I stole your number out of your phone." I look at him "What?" I say surprisingly. "Monday, in the cab, you put your bag between us, turned and looked out the window. I took your phone when you weren't looking and called my phone." Not knowing what to say I just say "oh" and laugh. "what's so funny?" he asked "I thought you were going to tell me you had a wife or girlfriend, something crazy like that. Not that you stole my phone number." He starts laughing with me. "You think after the things we did together, that I lied and would have had a wife or girlfriend?" I shrug. "No Alessa, I don't have a wife or girlfriend. Do you have a boyfriend or husband.?" I shake my head quickly. "No, no husband or boyfriend. I have been single for awhile now." "Why not?" he asked me "No reason. Crazy ex, decided that it's probably better to be single than deal with that again." Not wanting to go into details I quickly ask him "What about you?" "I was cheated on. I haven't dated anyone in a few months." I shake my head, not knowing what to say to that. Its shocking him looking the way that he does and picturing him being cheated on. I just can't. Tonight, he's wearing a white t-shirt, and jeans, the shirt showing off his arms very nicely, as I think about touching them. He looks very relaxed watching tv, "what were your plans for the night? You don't have to stay and hang out, you can go back to what you were going to do." He turns and looks at me. "I didn't have plans, actually I only went to the bar hoping that I would see you again." I stand up, smiling and walk over to the couch and lay down beside him with my back against his arm. He wraps his arm around me, and we sit in silence and watch TV for a little bit before I start drifting off to sleep. 

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