Chapter 3: Alessa

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            He is here standing over me, I feel him, and I'm scared to move. "I know your awake Less" he states using my old nickname, and my heart starts beating so fast that I'm frozen in place. There is no way out of this, and he was supposed to be in jail. He's supposed to be put away for life, but instead, he's standing over me with the same smile he gave me when they were dragging him to the police car. Michael's eyes shine in the moonlight from my bedroom window, Before I can scream, he is on top of me covering my mouth with his hand. I start crying looking around for anything that I can grab to hit him with, but he knows. He uses his other hand to hold my arm down until he gets his legs straight to pin me down. He gets into a position where he has His legs holding my legs together with my arms pinned above my head. "You scream, and I'll slit your throat right here, right now," he says pulling a knife from behind his back. I'm speechless and frozen, I can't do anything. Wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear he uses it to his advantage, takes the knife, and cuts both sides of my underwear pulling it off me. He begins to drag the knife up my body lifting my shirt as he goes, he uses the knife to cut the shirt and tie my hands together to one of the metal bed posts. "There we go." He says with an evil smile, I'm here fully exposed across my bed afraid to move with how easily the knife cut through the shirt I can only imagine how easily it will cut through me. He stands up off me and starts looking around the room. "Please Micheal, please don't do this." He ignores me begging for my life as he starts pulling the shoestring from my tennis shoes. "I've been watching you, you have no one, no one that can save you, no one that will check on you, your all alone." He says while walking to me. He grabs an ankle and I begin to start kicking and screaming. He quickly grabs the underwear he cut off me and shoves it into my mouth. I am crying so hard, but I feel it, I feel the knife he has pressed to my neck, and I feel a slight pain, he cut my neck and I can feel the blood sliding down and dripping onto the pillow, "Don't push me Alessa or I'll finish the job." He grabs my ankle again and all I can do is scream and cry. He tries up both my ankles to the corner bed. I am completely open to him in every way and there isn't a single thing I can do about it. He takes off his clothes, leaves his boxers on, and starts licking up the side of my leg until he makes it all the way up to my ear. My body is shaking, he takes the knife and slides it across my breast, "Do you know how long you have to live if I stab you right here?" He says picking the knife up and pushing the tip on me with just enough force that it causes pain but doesn't cut me. "Do it, just do it. End this," I think to myself. He puts the knife down and uses his hand to cup my breast and he chuckles "I've missed you so much Alessa." Right before putting it in his mouth. I start moving my body trying to get him off me, but I can't he's too strong. He uses his other hand to force me down and slam himself inside of me.

I wake up crying and covered in sweat. Looking around and glancing out the window it's dark and storming, the clock says it is 7:02 A.M. I slept my Saturday away; I turn the lamp on beside my bed and scan the room. Everything is the same and different at the same time. I feel like he's here, or like he's been here. Grabbing my phone, I do a quick search for him to make sure he's still in prison. He is according to the prison database, so I close my eyes and do some breathing exercises to try to calm my nerves. I can't call my mother; she will just get upset and beg me to come back home. I like living on my own. I need to be on my own, at 28 years old I should be on my own. I quickly calmed down and decided not to tell her. Getting up I start to assume that the dream was just from my crazy behavior from Friday night and my brain telling me what could have happened. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, my face is flushed, and my eyes are bloodshot from crying. "Thank God it's Sunday, I don't think a shower and makeup could help with how I look and feel after that dream." I think to myself I sigh, the dreams stopped coming a couple of months after the incident with the help of my therapist and medication.

My Sunday morning was uneventful, I finished reading and taking notes on my manuscript and prepared everything for Nancy on Monday. I decided to spend the rest of my Sunday relaxing and catching up on the TV shows that I've missed over the week. My mother calls to tell me about how her lunch went the day before. "I've got a date," she throws in randomly. I pause my TV "Excuse me? With whom?" I questioned shocked. "Mr. Miller," she responds. I pause for a second not sure what to say or think. "My middle school teacher? How did that even happen." "We saw each other at the grocery store after lunch with the girls. We started talking and he walked with me while I shopped and walked me to my car after. We have a date next weekend." She sounds excited. I'm happy for her and slightly jealous. I wish I could do that. Go on dates. Be a normal person. My mind wonders back to Liam again, I know where he lives. I could go back and ask him to lunch if I wanted, shaking those thoughts away. "Way to be a stalker less." I think to myself. I told her how excited I was for her, and she promised to call me in a few days to talk about what to wear and check in. We say our goodbyes and I go back to thinking about Liam, wishing we talked more before we did anything. Kicking myself for at least not getting his number or staying until he woke up. I think about going back to the bar Friday night just to see if he would be there. I quickly let go of that thought, I don't want to cause any more problems with Jayden in the group if I'm going to be a part of it. I should probably talk to him first and make sure he understands that I'm not the type of person who sleeps with their coworkers.... or random men off the street. Not that that's any of his business but I don't want to make new friends and have them thinking these things about me.

The rest of my Sunday goes by in a flash with me doing random activities trying to keep my mind off everything. I clean prep meals for the week and do laundry making sure to have everything set up for Monday morning, so I am not late. Not that I have to do any of that, I live close enough to work that I could walk home for lunch every day, but it keeps me busy from thinking of other things that may or may not be happening, like having a stranger in my room who isn't there. Finally, around 9 I turn the TV on and climb into bed, leaving the TV on used to help me feel like there was someone in the room with me and would keep the dreams away. After last night I can only hope after taking some sleeping medication to hopefully keep the dreams away but even the medication can't keep the thoughts of the dream away before I fall asleep.

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