Chapter 4: Micheal

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            She's beautiful when she's asleep. I've been sneaking into her apartment for a week now and last night was the first time she's had a nightmare and I wonder if she was dreaming of me. With how she's been all week I know that the police haven't told her or her mother that I broke out it's been 2 weeks and it only took me 3 days to find her. Her long blonde hair is now so dark, it makes me angry she did that. I loved her hair; it was one of the many things I loved about her. Her oval face and slim body are still the same, the only change she's made is her hair. I touch it and it's just as soft as I remember. I've had every opportunity to finish what I started this week but what's the point if she isn't scared? What's the point if you can't see the fear in their eyes and listen to them beg and do everything they can to survive?

The best thing is how they feel while they are fighting for their life. The screams they let out when I push myself inside of them the way the life drains from their bodies as I finish. I didn't get to do that with her the first time, I knew listening to her talk to Sarah about leaving me that I'd have to push up the process. Part of me is glad that I didn't finish the job and that Sarah showed up and hit me. The other part of me wishes I killed Sarah first, Alessa wouldn't have left me in a time of need, and I would have had more time to plan it. I could still kill Sarah, Alessa was easy enough to find I'm sure Sarah wouldn't be so hard either she always had beautiful skin. I shake my head trying to stay on track. Alessa is who I want.

She almost caught me Saturday morning, I followed her, and the guy from the bar ready to kill them both on their walk. There were too many witnesses, I waited outside of his apartment for hours before that light turned off in the living room letting me know he was finished with what was mine. It wasn't until I was standing in front of his door with my hand in the air about to knock and a knife in my other so I could kill him that I realized I could use this to an advantage. I snuck into her apartment to put cameras everywhere. I didn't have time to close the window all the way when she walked back in the second time, if only she had looked in the closet the first-time things probably would have ended differently but she was only the phone. When I have her it will be only her and I. If she had only looked up when she shut the window, she would have seen me on the floor above her on the fire escape. She feels safe in her little life here, but she fails to realize that she's all alone, the people she works with they don't care about her. Not like the way I do and when they learn her story, our history, they will leave. They mean nothing and just when she can't stand it anymore after everyone leaves, I'll show myself and she knows that this time it's going to happen and that no one will be here to save her.

Until then I'll have to be patient, watching her on camera and coming in at night to touch her. I rub her cheek and she sighs in her sleep not waking up. She's lying on her side with her leg sticking out from under the blanket, she's sleeping in a t-shirt and pink lace underwear tonight. I rub my fingers across her upper thigh "Liam," she moans in her sleep. That must be the guy from the other night, and I see Red ready to go to his house and kill him for even touching her. I slowly back away knowing that doing so will give me away and she'll run again. I turn the TV off so when she wakes up tomorrow, she will be confused that it is off. The little things I do to make her uncomfortable and seeing her reaction make it all worth it, too slowly drive her crazy, to watch her slowly drive herself away from other people. It will be worth it in the end when she's mine. 

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