Chapter 12 - Micheal

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She's beautiful, she looks exactly like how Alessa looked before she changed her hair. The long, beautiful hair, curled up in the bed with my favorite blue dress. She wasn't the girl Alessa worked with, I saw her, and while I was on my way over to her this girl stepped in front of me and started dancing. She turned around and started grinding on me and I grabbed a fist full of hair and jerked her head up and she started to laugh. That made me hard, and I knew she could tell what was happening because she started to push her ass into me harder. We made it through 2 songs before she asked me if I wanted to leave, and I made it a block away from my apartment before I stabbed her. Stabbing her wasn't a good idea because now her blood was on the dress, but if I covered her up it would cover up most of the mess and I could pretend that it's Alessa sleeping. I feel myself getting hard just looking at her and thinking about Alessa, I turn back to look at the monitors and I see her in the kitchen on her knees with his dick in her mouth. I grab the chair and sling it across the room and before I know it I'm on top of the girl in my bed stabbing her and screaming "WHY!!!!" I calm down and look down at the mess "Damn it." Now she doesn't look anything like Alessa and I'm going to have to steal another dress." I sigh. I get back up and go get the chair that I threw across the room and drag it back in front of the monitors. That's when I saw Alessa in the bathroom. Liam is in the living room checking his phone. I wonder if I could make it to her apartment in time and cut his throat for touching her before she comes out. I look back over to see her undressing and turning the shower on, my jeans start to get uncomfortable, so I undo them and start to touch myself while I watch her rub the soap and water on her body. I sigh I need to touch her soon I don't think I'm going to be able to control myself much longer. I need to touch her, smell her, be inside of her, I stand up to clean myself up and look at the body on my bed. I grab her by the leg, drag her to the closet, and close it. I'll dispose of it tomorrow, tonight Alessa is mine. Or so I thought, something moves on the screen out of the corner of my eye, and I see her and laugh. The bitch is back, the reason I got locked up, to begin with. She's first, Sarah is going to be the first to die. I'm out the door before I can calm myself to watch what happens in the apartment. Sarah being in the apartment is the perfect distraction so that I can sneak in. I think to myself as I walk to Alessa's she doesn't live far from me. It's only a ten-minute walk from my building to hers, I tried to get something better and closer but being on the run didn't give me the money I needed to get an apartment in the same building as her. I see the old man standing in front of the door of the building and I nod my head at him as I walk by. Living close by has its perks as I walk down the street towards the alley behind the building, I pull down the ladder and start climbing up the fire escape. When I reached the top I saw Sarah walk by and my plans changed. I climb back down and race to her, I follow her. I can't believe it. I didn't think I would be able to get my hands on her until Alessa's funeral. I noticed the direction she was walking, I'm not sure where she was going but I could see my apartment a few buildings down. We aren't in a very safe area of town so I'm only slightly curious as to why she's over here. But not enough to make me miss my chance to get her. As I gain in on her I reach up to grab her hair when she stops and turns to go into my apartment building, and I feel like God has given me a sign. I walk up behind her as she opens the door and I grab her by her hair and cover her mouth. Immediately her hands try to pull it off her mouth and I laugh. We walk into the building, and I cover her mouth and nose cutting off her air supply as she kicks and tries to scream. In the building we are in, No one is going to open the door and check on the noise. No one cares, everyone here is doing something they aren't supposed to, and opening the door to help means letting the cops into their lives and that's not something they want. After a few minutes, she finally passes out and I lift her, toss her over my shoulder, and bring her back to my apartment. 

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