chapter 13

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Chapter 13
The two slowly woke up, lounging.
"I have prepared for breakfast in bed, we will spend this first part of the day in rest, preparing for the judgement trials." Killian pulled Atticus close, pressing himself into the boy. Hopper had gone to sleep on the floor sometime throughout the night, leaving the bed to killian and Atticus.
"I quite like the bed without hopper." Atticus joked. Killian growled softly.
"I feel much the same, my body doesn't ache from the weight of that dragon sleeping on me. It is a comfortable feeling." Killian laughed, carding his fingers through Atticus's hair, feeling the small horns on his head, at least, they were small compared to killian. Killian was currently in his demon form, his hair a shiny and metallic black, fading into blue, his teeth sharp, his horns thick and curved, and his tail wrapped around Atticus's legs, it was covered in shards of ice, unmelting.
"You know killian? I don't think I have ever really seen you in your demon form, beside the time at the previous meeting, but I was too scared to process it,I think. You're really pretty." Atticus complimented.
"Thank you atti. I am very proud of my form." Killian's tail flicked back and forth, pleased.
Atticus continued to curl into killian, cherishing the warmth that was shared between the two of them.
"Do you... do you think Aaron's going to take me?" Atticus voiced his fears for the first time since the news had been spoken to him.
"No, but I can never truly predict the future. Not like some." Killian breathed in sharply.
"Not like some?" Atticus asked, confused by the way killian had spoken.
"Nergal, the master of the stone territory's, can foretell the future, he can also transmigrate into different worlds, not for long though. If he stays to long, his body will break down. None of us who know about him know how he came to have such a power." Killian grimaced, his fist clenching Atticus's hair unconsciously.
"I see. He did strike me as different, powerful even. He talked as if he knew things, I guess it makes sense if he did." Atticus mused.
"Who knows. He wont tell anyone how his powers function, he ignores anyone who asks. It is suspicious to everyone who knows about it, but its not like we can accuse him of anything. He hasn't done anything wrong." Killian looked tense. Atticus squeezed his hand, feeling the tight grip on his hair begin to recede. He let out a sigh of relief.
"Are you okay?" Killian asked him.
"Yes. I'm fine." Atticus rubbed his sore head.
"I hurt you." Killian blinked.
"It's fine killian. Atticus admonished.
"No. It's not. I apologize." Killian looked away.
"I'm not mad! Don't worry about it. If it truly hurt, I would have told you." Atticus consoled.
Both of them jumped when they heard a knock, hopper growled softly, stirring in her sleep.
"What was that?" Atticus asked, looking at killian for a response.
"Probably breakfast. I had completely forgotten." Killian groaned as he dragged himself out of bed, his tail lashing back and forth, as his face clouded over.
"Killian. Don't be rude just because you're mad, okay?" Atticus didn't want the servants to get bullied because killian didn't want to get out of bed.
"Fine." Killian's voice rumbled in his chest. He opened the door. A meek looking servant looked up at him, blushing at the ruler's exposed chest.
"Well, boy?" Killian asked, not wanting to waste his time.
"H..hi sir." The boy replied softly, still eying up killian. "Here is your meal sir." The boy thrust the food into Killian's hands.
" is there any more for my partner?" Killian asked, looking at the portion on the platter.
"P-partner?" The boy stuttered out. He glanced into the room, his eyebrows furrowed together at the sight of a disheveled Atticus, lying in the king's bed. Atticus waved.
The boy turned his nose and looked away.
"I will fix my mistake right away sir." The boy turned away quickly.
"Wait." Killian called.
"Yes?" The boy turned around.
"What's your name?" Killian asked.
"Micha, sir. May I ask why?" He inquired, a smile on his face.
"Don't make such a mistake again, micha." Killian ordered, his lips turning down in a frown, he turned around and shut the door.
Micha glared at the door, jealous. He ran away quickly, making sure to fix his mistakes.
When he returned, Atticus had greeted him at the door.
"Hello!" Atticus replied cheerily. "Sorry that killian is not answering, he is in the shower." He laughed. Suddenly a shadow towered over Atticus.
"I assume you have returned to get the second meal?" Killian growled, his hair was wet and dripping, a towel around his waist.
"Y-y-yes!" Micha was flustered, Atticus's eyes narrowed at the reaction. Killian looked down at Atticus, chuckling at the boy's reaction, his jealously.
"Atticus?" Killian had a teasing tone.
"Oh, shut up killian!" Atticus turned away, or at least he tried to. Killian pulled him back by his waist, hugging him towards him.
Atticus yelped. He let killian manhandle him. Killian took the plate of food from micha, opening it and scooping dome syrup from the plate onto his finger and into Atticus's mouth. Atticus glared at killian, disliking the display in front of someone, he bit killian finger.
"Ow! You little minx. That hurt." Killian rolled his eyes and brought his attention back to micha.
"You may leave now." Killian dismissed him, shutting the door without a care.
Micha glared at the door, hating the display he had witnessed, he turned and stomped away.

Killian stopped Atticus up, pulling him over his shoulder and setting the platter next to the bed.
"Killian." Atticus sighed, rolling back.
"Yes?" Killian asked.
"Put some clothes on." Atticus shook his head, exasperated. Killian laughed, he stood up to change, pulling some traditional clothes out. To Atticus's surprise, killian pulled the towel off himself, exposing his body.
"Killian!" Atticus shrieked girlishly.
"Yes atti?" Killian smirked, enjoying the flustered behavior from the boy. Atticus quickly covered his eyes.
"Do you not like how I look, am I ugly?" Killian asked, feigning sadness.
"No! You- i- killian...." Atticus whined as he covered his face with the bedsheets.
"Hm. Well, thank you Atticus." Killian laughed, enjoying the embarrassment that he had awoken in the boy.
"At least you know I'm properly endowed." Killian smiled, his eyes crinkling.
"I can't even talk to your anymore..." Atticus uncovered his face, showing off the bright red blush and tight lips. "I hate you killian." Atticus said.
"Oh, come on. I know that's not true." Killian walked over, boxers finally on. He hugged Atticus from behind as he ate the pancakes he was given. Atticus went to bring another bite up to his mouth nut killian stole it, right before Atticus could reach the fork to his mouth.
"Hey!" Atticus protested.
"Mmh. It's good." Killian praised. He threw stood up and quickly continued dressing himself, by the time he was finished, Atticus was done eating. Atticus also got dressed, he put on. A pair of cargo shorts and dangling silk shirt. He hung the compass around his neck, slid on some boots, and headed to the door with killian. Hopper followed closely behind.
"Are we.. leaving?" Atticus asked, suddenly not confident.
"Yes. The meeting is soon. The other leaders are waiting." Killian smiled hopefully at Atticus, extending his hand out. Atticus took it, letting killian lead him away, through different parts of the castle until they reached a large room, the doors were jagged, as if they hadn't been used in a long time.
"Each of us leaders have a judgement hall, they are hardly ever used so I must apologize for the... way it has been kept." Killian told Atticus. "Are you ready?" Killian squeezed Atticus's hand.
"Ready as I will ever be killian." Atticus assured. "Let's just get this done." Atticus sighed.
Killian opened the doors, it felt much like the way Aaron did, with power. The only thing is this power was comfortable and safe. There was whispering as the door opened, it revealed all the leaders, nergal, Ilya, Romaline, yumil, mephisto, Meredith, and lastly, Aamon.
Aamon jumped out of his seat and ran to Atticus scooping him into a hug.
"Emerald! I'm so glad to see you. I'm so sorry that bastard killian took you. You must have been so scared." Aamon held Atticus's face up. Atticus flinched in aamon's grip.
"No! I went with him! Don't touch me!" Atticus thrashed against aamons hold. Killian quickly stepped in, pulling Atticus from aamons grip. Atticus clung to killian. "Don't touch me..." Atticus whispered. Killian led the two of them to their respective seats.
"Welcome to my domain, I am aware that many of you have not been here. I do not plan to have you stay long, so this meeting will be kept short." Killian announced. "I'm sure you all saw Atticus's reaction to Aamon, and I am also sure that you all can deduce why. Atticus is terrified of Aamon, I do not think he should be returned to him." Killian said.
"I object! He was obviously scared because of you, killian. There's a good chance you threatened him into submission." Aamon growled.
"I have done no such thing." Killian's eyes narrowed. "For you to even accuse me is absurd."
"Absurd?!" Aamon growled, his eyes glowing as he tried to hold his form at bay, killian was not doing much better.
"Yes. Absurd!" Killian yelled; he suddenly felt a tug on his shirt.
"Please don't yell." Atticus asked meekly.
"Hmm. I'm sorry atti." Killian apologized, sitting down. He was still agitated.
"Hey! Let's all calm down." Iliya told them.
"Yes, that is a good idea." Nergal agreed.
"Let's hear Atticus's side, shall we?" Iliya suggested. Atticus blinked; he hadn't expected to be put on the spot.
"S-sure." Atticus stood up. "I... I wanted to go with killian. Aamon he... he... he touched me. I didn't..." Atticus took a breath, trying to hold back tears. "He wouldn't stop." Atticus whispered weakly.
"Your lying!" Aamon snapped. "Never mind. That doesn't matter. Let's vote. All in favor of me?" Aamon raised his hand, Meredith joined him, yumil as well. Aamons eyes narrowed, circling the room.
"All in favor of me?" Killian asked as he raised his hand. Nergal, mephisto, Romaline, Iliya, and Atticus all raised their hands.
"Then it is decided, he stays with me." Killian announced.
"No! It's not fair! You know what? My emerald can't stay with you if your no longer alive killian!" Aamon threatened.
"Are you going to hurt me then?" Killian smirked,
Aamon growled, and then without any further sound, he lunged

Thanks for reading! You are all the best! Ily!

Word count: 1821

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