The Serpent

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~ Damien ~

My eyes popped open to the glinting light radiated in the room where I found myself standing. It was a large white room, which had all sorts of flying vehicles - ranging from airplanes to saucer shaped crafts, arrayed by its left side.

I scanned the whole place for the strange guy who abducted me earlier, and that was when I saw him standing beside one of the saucer-shaped vehicles, talking with a red haired guy who was dressed just like him.  The only few words I could make out from their conversation were:

"Protect the company and secret bunker, until we've returned"

His attention became drawn to me the moment I got stabbed with the red haired guy's gaze.

"Come here...Hurry!", He yelled.

I felt like telling him not to yell at me because  I hated it, but again, both my life and his were at stake; I didn't know if I trusted him or not, I just wanted to get to safety. With mixed feelings coursing through my mind, I dashed towards him, ignoring the red haired guy.

I jumped into the aircraft, landing upon its incredibly soft seat beside my abductor. It wasn't that great in size...but damn, its seat was so comfy; it also had an arc-shaped dashboard which was neatly strewn with a LOT of multicolored buttons and controls.

"Strap in or it's gonna be one heck of a death ride for you", He instructed.

I obeyed, but couldn't take my eyes off the red haired guy who began fighting with some goons who appeared out of nowhere.

"Who are those?", I asked in fright.

"They're part of the people who assassinated your father", he responded, glancing at me with a look that meant,
'Don't ask me any more questions'.

I swayed my gaze, quietly watching him tap a few buttons and controls on the dashboard; this must have ignited the aircraft, following the loud whirring sounds which banged into my ears.

Putting both hands over my ears, I looked up and saw that the building's glass ceiling slid open, paving way for us to fly through.

"Hello Agent Ryan, it's nice to see you again...what can I do for you? ", a creepy AI voice echoed from one of the speakers in the craft.

"Switch to auto pilot and activate shields ", he instructed.

"Please input your password"

"Password: hamburger "

My eyes shone in awe as a transparent, dome-like glass encased the craft's round corners.

"Shields activated...please what's your destination?"

"Alpha 26", he responded.

"Destination verified...please lean backwards and fasten your seatbelts"

I was plummeted backwards with a sudden force until my back met with with the comfy seat back, making it impossible for me to see through the glass dome.

Warbling sounds were the only things I could hear, as the aircraft zipped out of the hangar at break-neck speed.



Vin (the red haired guy) darted sideways, avoiding a punch from the guy in front of him. He immediately took the guy's arm, twisting it in the opposite direction before plunging him to the ground.

"Ahhh!", yelled the guy, unable to get up. 

Vin's gaze scanned the whole place in search of any other goon, but they were all down. Blood painted all over their faces, arms, chests and legs while they laid on the ground.

Turning to the only guy alive, he asked:
"Who's your boss?"

However, the guy remained silent while gasping for air. He flung his gaze leftwards before turning again to Vin;

"I'll never tell", he whispered, followed by a loud mocking laughter.

Vin scoffed.

"Okay, then... you're gonna die", he shrugged.

"Wait!...No! Please!"


Blackness was all the guy could see, as Vin plunged his left foot into his neck.

A voice suddenly came from behind:
"Bravo, Agent Vin... you've killed them all, but now it's your turn"

Vin abruptly felt a surge of electricity flow through his body immediately he got hit by a bright beam of light, which also came from behind him.


He fell to his knees, feeling numb and stiff; soft whispers were all he could hear while his eyes began fluttering. 

He couldn't make out much as the stranger appeared in front of him, only a black haired female figure who seemed to be pointing a weird kind of gun at him.

"I want you to deliver a message from me, to the rest of your team, sweetheart", she said.

He could've sworn to the fact that her voice sounded damn familiar, like someone he knew too well. 
"I'm his boss, the serpent...I will find the heir and the rest of you, then I'll kill every single person until I get what I want"


Faint footsteps of the lady walking away were the only sounds he could hear, soon after he got forcefully struck with another beam of light from her gun.

With the last bit of strength he had, he reached into his pocket and took out the teleportation device; his whole body trembled as he pressed the device, plummetting himself into a dark void even before he could finally slip out of consciousness.

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