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Chaos spurred throughout the city, loud noises filling the air followed by a mysterious green fog that engulfed the whole city. Tall, blazing flames illuminated the night sky, the glow of the fire reflecting off  windows of the buildings that were quickly consumed by the spreading inferno.

The hot air carried the scent of burning wood and ash, filling the lungs of the few survivors who hid in desolated parts of the city. Crackling of the flames and the faint cries of those who were trapped within the rubble could be heard.

Ryan and Vin popped up amidst the crowd of freshly turned zombies, clad in black jumpsuits which were fabricated using nanotechnology.

Averting his frightened gaze from the mob of angry zombies to Ryan, Vin asked, "What's the plan?"

"Zeta squad should arrive anytime soon to put out the fire and rescue anyone in danger"

"As for the both of us, we avoid getting turned while administering the vaccine", said Ryan.

"Oh, and no killing unless it's necessary"

His voice echoed through the black air shield which encased his nose and mouth.

Fear zipped down their spines when loud growls came banging into their ears. With their gazes fixed upon the blood stained faces of their ragged, mindless opponents, they charged backwards until a glint of blue light was reflected from their palms.

Following the warbling noises emitted from their suits, a voice spoke through their comms:

"Arsenal activated"

A loud growl reverberated throughout the whole place, just about when Ryan was almost pounced upon by the horrifying beast in front of him. The atmosphere was soon clouded by red fumes of gas, ejected from their sleek black guns.

Vin sighed, darting backwards when each victim he gassed came crashing before him with a loud growl and thud.

"This is less fucked up than I imagined", he muttered.


That was when he was plunged backwards, air brushing past him until his back was met with a concrete wall. Ryan's attention became glued to a towering male figure whose ragged clothes were painted in red.

Following a gasp, he muttered, "Holy shit"

Without any warning, a resonating, ear piercing screech came banging into his ears, plunging him backwards until he crashed upon a pile of the vaccinated ones.

He let out a brief groan, attempting to bounce back on his feet with his gaze fixed upon the gory zombie overlord. His heart thumped, threatening to rip through his chest as the zombie gradually approached him.

He grunted, sprinting towards Vin whose unconscious body laid amongst the rubbles of dirt.

"Dude you gotta get up"

His ears twitched, beads of sweat forming upon his face as the zombie overlord loomed from behind him. Dozens of footsteps could be heard receding towards him, causing him to swivel until his gaze met with an army of zombies.

"Zeta squad...I need backup", he murmured through comms.

He gulped after receiving no response, flicking his wrist until his sleek handgun transformed into a large blaster.

Whirring noises could be heard when dull red fumes were being expelled from the blaster; seizing the opportunity, he glided his way through the undead army, bringing each of them down to their knees at break-neck speed until none was left.

While panting, his gaze remained glued upon the monstrosity standing before him.

"Killing you is the only necessary thing", he muttered.

However, his mind suddenly became engulfed in darkness, followed by a haunting silence as he launched himself into the air.


Purple beams of light flashed through the green skies, followed by loud whooshing noises which caught the overlord's attention.

Its dead green eyes almost got blinded by a brilliant flash of purple light that appeared before it, causing it to stumble backwards.

Stepping through the scintillating light was Ayla, clad in a long black leather jacket, whose eyes flashed with a brilliant purple tint.

Shooting a glance at Ryan's unconscious body, she sighed;
"What mess have you gotten into this time, Ry?"

Suddenly an earsplitting howl was heard, causing the ground beneath her to rumble; and while her feet remained firmly planted on the ground, the helm of her jacket swayed from side to side.

She muttered a few words, swirling her hands in several directions until a visible mass of purple energy appeared before her. While standing unscathed by the sonic waves screamed at her, the purple tint in her eyes flashed with a more brilliant intensity.

An almost silent gasp escaped her mouth when the same purple humanoid burst forth from within her, zipping through the air until it collided with the grotesque being.

A mighty roar filled the atmosphere, droplets of putrid blood and particles of rotten flesh raining upon everyone within the immediate radius.

Diffusing into the air was a foul stench which caused Ayla to scrunch her nose as she strode towards Vin and Ryan. Clothed in a purple shimmer, she grabbed the duo, plunging herself into the portal that appeared before her.


~ Damien ~

Dugan's face scrunched into a frown after I had explained every single detail of what I experienced throughout the past couple of weeks.

"You could've called or at least--", he tried to speak.

I sighed, leaving him behind as I walked towards the balcony rail; I couldn't understand why he didn't buy my explanation, which was actually not a bad excuse.

Placing my hand upon the golden rail, I allowed my gaze to travel downwards until I was staring at the ground from such a tall height. That was when his voice sounded from behind:

"Anyways...I knew your dad was stinking rich, but I never expected this much, ya know?"

I chuckled.

"Neither did I expect him to be king on another planet", I added.

"So, that makes you an alien prince or something close to that, huh?", he asked.

"I guess so"

Turning away from the rail, I approached the round glass table and poured myself a glass of champagne. My gaze was averted towards him when he crunched his words;

"You're drinking alcohol?"

His eyes widened, sparkling with awe as he beheld me as though I was a magnificent sight.

After chuckling slightly, I spat, "Fuck, I  can do anything I want"

As I stared into his dull silver eyes, I could notice how they slowly morphed to assume a glazing red tint, causing me to frown.

"Dude, are you okay?", I asked.

I darted towards him when his sharp shriek banged into my my ears. However, I found myself being plonked backwards by an unseen force, until I collided with the glass wall behind me.

His loud screech reverberated throughout the whole place, fractures of broken glass bursting forth in all directions.

I grunted, managing to roll sideways until I could catch a glimpse of him again. A gasp escaped my mouth as my gaze fell upon his blood-drained face; I sprang up from the ground, sprinting towards him when his back met the ground in a sudden fall.

I tilted his back upwards as I neared him, pinning my sight upon his flickering eyes until they finally came shut. Perplexed by the whole situation, a loud cry escaped my mouth;


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