The Vaccine

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~ Damien ~

We popped up in a coffee shop, and I couldn't shake off the usual feeling of dizziness which accompanied teleportation.

As I blinked my eyes for a few seconds, I realized how everyone's attention became drawn to us, which seemed like a normal thing though. However, things felt a little off when I noticed how their eyes shone with a bright green tint.

I immediately swung my gaze at Ryan and asked:
"Are you seeing this too?"

Pulling his face into a frown, he responded, "Yeah"

Goosebumps carpeted my skin when dozens of them arose from their brown wooden seats and began approaching us until we were almost surrounded.

"Brains", they chorused.

I groaned.

"Not again"

I averted my gaze to the glass wall on the left, through which the golden rays of sun reflected. Since it was daytime, this made things clear that we weren't still on Alpha 26.

"But if this is earth, then what happened?", I wondered.

"Well, I don't gotta stop asking questions in situations like this", Ryan responded.

Meanwhile, the zombie people kept drawing closer, growling with every step they took. Fear zipped down my spine as flashes of the bizzarre experience I had on Alpha 26 replayed in my mind.

"Get behind me now", instructed Ryan.

I darted behind him and immediately, the same blue sabers from earlier appeared in his hands at the flick of his wrists. The whole place became covered in red as his sabers cut through each of them almost at break-neck speed.

As for me, I moved from side to side in a bid to match his swift movement because I didn't want to leave his cover. But everything changed soon enough when loud shattering noises came from behind me.

Ryan and I were both plummeted onto the wooden floor, pieces of shattered glass raining upon us. It was then I realized that more zombie people broke through the glass wall from behind us, enveloping us in a full circle.

My heart couldn't stop pounding at the moment because I was familiar with the myth that zombies turned their bite victims into one of them with just a single bite; and I clearly didn't want to find out if it was true or not, at least not in such manner.

While struggling to get up on my feet, I asked Ryan:
"Can't you teleport us out of here...or something?"

"I can' weapons have drained the watch's last energy reserve", he responded.

I groaned.

Frozen, I watched as he picked up his weapon in a bid to charge towards them.


My eyes shone in surprise when one of them moving swiftly, grabbed his neck and plunged him to the ground with sheer force. Before I could even make a move, I was grabbed from behind and rammed onto the ground as well, causing me to shriek.

I could do nothing but watch as they all scurried towards us while Ryan struggled in futility to break free. Soon enough, we became buried underneath them and all I could see was darkness; the horrid stench of blood I perceived also couldn't be mistaken.

"No", I whispered.

My mind became flooded with so much pain immediately one of them drove his sharp claws into my right arm. It felt as though I was fading out of reality, and the last thing I could remember was darkness engulfing my whole mind and body.

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