A Catastrophic Thing

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Ryan stormed into the command center, still clad in his black tux, wearing a deep frown; Everyone's eyes remained fixed upon the monitors before them, as he strode past each of them.

Fixing his infuriated gaze upon the massive screen which laid on the silver glazed wall, he asked:
"Any eyes on his location yet?"

Silence existed within the room as he peered at each of the agents who were also donned in the same outfit as his. However, a sigh escaped his mouth when he caught sight of Ayla from where she stood in the room's rear corner.

With everyone's attention drawn towards her rather 'uniquely' green appearance, he advanced towards her while she kept glancing at him.

"Can we speak in private?", he requested.
Exiting the room, they arrived in a more secluded part of the floor's sectional hallway, affording them the privacy to converse.

"Any luck finding him?", she inquired, causing his shoulders to slump as he let out a disappointed sigh.

"Not yet...which is why I wanna ask if you can...you know, help us"

Beads of sweat began materializing upon his face while their gazes threatened to remain interlocked for what seemed like eternity.

"Uh...yeah, I can try but I'll need something of his", she beamed.


An awkward silence sprouted between them for a few seconds until a reassuring smile crawled its way upon Ayla's face.

Cupping her palm around his jaws while peering deep into his eyes, she spoke in a milder tone:

"Hey...we're gonna find him, and nothing bad will happen"

"I hope so", he responded, forcing a smile.


~ Damien ~

I sprinted down a dark flight of stairs, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through me as I managed to avoid getting pierced by the small deadly knives Razor aimed at me.

Of course, a lot of questions played in my mind like fingers on a grand piano, but my survival was the ultimate task at hand and it needed to be accomplished.


The door behind me banged shut, giving me a few seconds to catch my breath after running for a couple of minutes. My face soon became bathed in pearls of sweat while I continued panting, with both hands placed upon my knees.

The feeling of great joy sprouted within me when I realized that Razor wasn't coming after me anymore, causing me to chuckle as I reveled in my freedom. My gaze spun around the whole place, and though I wasn't familiar with where I found myself, I whispered:

"I made it..."

However, things took a rather abrupt and unfortunate turn when a familiar voice echoed throughout the dark alley where I found myself;

"I knew she was incapable of handling the little task I gave her...anyways, I'll have to do it myself"

Chilling shivers raced down my spine, goosebumps etching themselves upon my skin when the serpent revealed herself at the other end of the alley.

"You've murdered my dad already...haven't you had enough?!"

I shivered, tears pouring down my eyes as she approached me with two blades whose edges glistened with deadly intent.

I could feel the blood drain from my face as I scurried backwards until I collided with an empty waste can, its tinkering sound banging into my ears when it fell to the ground as well.

Watching my back meet the floor, she dissed, "How pathetic...you're even weaker than your father"

I shut my eyes, a thousand thoughts buzzing through my mind as the cold tips of her blades met with my blood-drained face and neck. My heartbeat intensified with every quivering breath I took, causing her to chuckle as though she could vividly hear its sound.

"Let go of the kid, bitch"

Those words seemed to startle the serpent, drawing her attention off me at the last minute. She withdrew her blades, prancing up on her feet while peering at my savior;
"Ryan?", I screamed, popping my eyes open in an instant.

Ryan stood with Ayla beside him, bathed in the elegance of Ayla's purple shimmer, and the confused look on the serpent's face was more than priceless, causing me to plant a smirk on my face as I arose from the pile of trash upon which I laid the whole time.

"Oh, it's the bodyguard and...a green ghoul?"

Silence existed between them, and I smirked even harder when Ryan stepped backwards, allowing Ayla to take the lead.

"You dare touch royalty?"

Ayla spoke in a fierce tone, approaching the serpent until they were staring at each other from a closer distance.

Suddenly, a blinding beam of Ayla's purple light burst forth from her hand, colliding with the serpent at breakneck speed. My eyes shone in utter amazement when the serpent materialized into the darkness immediately she got hit.

Without wasting any time I darted towards Ryan, enveloping him in a tight hug while Ayla just stared at us for what felt like a minute or so.

"Dude...you smell like garbage and you're crushing me", Ryan struggled to speak, prompting me to let go of him in an instant.

"Um...I'm sorry", I said, forcing out a dry chuckle.

"But really, thank you...I almost died. She almost ripped my organs out in search of the seed"

Upon munching my words, I noticed how Ayla's purple eyes flashed in their usual hue. Ryan's attention became drawn towards her when she became enveloped in a bright purple light.

"Ayla, what's wrong?", he asked, worry masking his sweat bathed face.

Ignoring his question as though she was caught in a trance, she began muttering a few strange words, causing him to shoot a deeply worried gaze at me while I stared in utter confusion.

"What's happening?", I wondered.

That was when her gibberish words became clear to my hearing:

"Ramos is coming"

"...and the seed has been destroyed", Ryan's voice echoed with hers in unison.


"How is that even possible?", I asked. 

With an abrupt gasp, she assumed her usual form while Ryan and I shot our  perplexed stares at her. Of course I knew the seed was a supernatural entity, something whose destruction was meant to be impossible. How then did it get destroyed, and whose handwork was it?

My wandering mind returned to the present when Ryan asked the same obvious question I had asked earlier;

"How is it even possible?"

"...it's not possible, unless--"

She paused, planting a troubled gaze at Ryan for a few seconds. Like turbulent waves at sea, an intense feeling of curiosity rumbled within me.

"Unless what?", I questioned with widely open eyes.

"Unless Ramos succeeded in doing what the seven generations of Aranian ancestors attempted for eons", she responded.

My brows furrowed in slight confusion upon hearing her words;
"And what might that be?"

"He finally tapped into the aether to harness it's raw power", Ryan explained.

I had to ask:

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

Ryan sighed.

"It's a catastrophic thing"

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