The Virus

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The streets were illuminated by red and blue lights emanating from a few police vehicles, whose blaring sirens echoed throughout the atmosphere.

Cornered in the dimly lit part of an alley, someone stood beside the lifeless body of a child who laid in a pool of blood, his fingers soaked in blood as well. The man's heart pounded at an incredibly fast rate, threatening to burst through his chest anytime soon.

His eyes flinched when a bright beam of light came flashing upon his blood bathed face; that was when he realized that he was surrounded by some cops, all pointing their guns at him. He growled, shooting an evil grin at them before shifting his gaze back to the lifeless child.

The silence which existed between them was broken when one of the cops spoke through his walkie talkie:

"D231 over...we are in a close range with the suspect"

He snarled, revealing his blood stained elongated canines.

Flashing at his face with a bright torchlight, another cop warned, "Move an inch and my men will blow your brains out"

He smirked, his eyes assuming a bright green tint while he stared at each of their faces. Loud wails and pleas for help swallowed the siren sounds as he zoomed towards them, ripping out their intestines at break-neck speed.

Soon enough, the air became filled with the scent of fresh blood while stuffing his mouth with their intestines.

Crackling noises echoed through the walkie talkie which laid beside the first cop's lifeless body, until a voice could he heard;
"Come in, Tera squad...what's wrong?...Tera squad--"



"Please don't kill me, I can still be of good use to you"

Those words reverberated throughout the  room from a man who was strapped onto a wooden chair. The lady in red whom he seemed to be pleading with scoffed, bringing her pistol even closer to his face.

"I'm sorry honey but I need to delete you from reality because you're the only one who knows how to destroy the virus, which spells trouble for me", she spat.

"But I --"

She cut in again.

"Farewell...I hope you find hell more interesting"

Several gunshots were heard when she pulled the trigger a couple of times, blood spurting from his neck.

Letting go of her pistol, she murmured, "Hmm...I hope they clean up this mess before I'm back"

She turned away from the gory scene and  tapped her ring twice, plummetting herself into a dark void.

Moments later, she appeared in a white room, allowing her gaze to travel around the room until it fell upon the person who was trapped inside a transparent rectangular containment chamber.

Pacing towards the chamber with a wide grin on her face, she muttered, "Ah...test subject twelve"

"Ava", she whispered.

She stepped backwards, watching as tiny particles of light materialized into a blonde lady clad in a white lab coat.

"Activate brainstorm mode", the lady in red instructed.

Whirring sounds were heard as Ava's eyes peeled open, revealing their blue hue;
"Hello, boss...what can I do for you?"

Swinging her gaze back at test subject twelve, the lady in red asked, "How many minutes until the venom swings into full action?"

"Seven hours, forty minutes and twenty five seconds", Ava responded.

" me what he's capable of"

"Affirmative...activating simulation mode"

Clattering sounds could be heard immediately the room's brightness got swallowed by a dull blue light. Soon enough, Ava and her mistress became enveloped in dense fumes which began diffusing at rapid speeds. Out of the fumes emerged shadow - like, humanoid figures, all pacing towards test subject twelve's pod.

"Containment pod deactivated", echoed Ava's voice.

Standing amidst the fumes, Ava and her boss watched as test subject twelve stepped out of his pod and pounced upon one of the humanoids. Warbling sounds filled the atmosphere each time he ripped through a humanoid with what seemed like superhuman strength and speed, until none was left.

His bright green eyes shot at Ava and her boss while he kept struggling with an unseen force which plunged him backwards, instantly plummetting him into his pod.

"Simulation complete"

A glinting white light illuminated the room once again, allowing the lady to see that the fumes had dissipated. She sighed, shifting her gaze from the test subject whose muffling sounds could be heard while he struggled in his pod.

"You look displeased by the test subject's performance...", Ava stated.

"What other alterations do you deem necessary for the subject?"

The lady in red's eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown, with her gaze fixed upon Ava for a few seconds;

"What's the rate of infection for the virus?", She asked.

"Its transmission rate is rapid, with the potential for infection occurring within minutes of exposure", Ava responded.

"Good...I want this town to be populated with thousands of my army before the end of today"

She beamed a smile, averting her gaze from Ava to the pod, darkness lingering in her eyes.

"What shall I do with him once the virus completes it's circulation in his body?", Ava asked.

"Set him free"

"But what if he proves to be unstable?"

"And how is that my problem?"

"If he--"

"Ava, you know how I hate repeating myself...don't test me"

"I sincerely apologize for pushing my limits...I was just being concerned about--"

She sighed, swinging her irritated gaze from Ava.

"If you're looking for me, I'll be in the nest"

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