The Inner Board

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~ Damien ~

I peeled my eyes open to the golden rays of sun, almost blinding myself until I averted my gaze from the glass wall to Ryan. He was still bare chested, clad in the same shorts from the previous night.

"You know, waking up early is one of the first steps in becoming a successful CEO", he said, combing a few fingers through his messy hair.

"It's too early", I groaned.

He sighed, approaching me with a tray, upon which a white teacup sat.

"Has anyone told you how loud you snore when you're sleep?"

"Here, drink up"

He smirked, handing me the cup which was full of a hot purple liquid. I scowled at the sight of such peculiar liquid which seemed odourless, flinging my confused gaze at him.

"What's this?", I asked.

"It's energy need it for what we're gonna face today"

"What are we gonna face? Do I really have to drink it?"

I stared at him with a frown. 

He rubbed his forehead, staring at me with a raised brow;

"You ask a lot of questions, kid", he spat.

"I'd appreciate it if you stop calling me a kid... I'm 17"

"I'll stop it when you start behaving matured, but you should get used to it for now"

He turned away from me and fixed his gaze upon his watch, while I stared at the purple liquid for some time until I was ready to take just one sip. It had a surprisingly sweet taste, causing me to gulp all of it at once, not minding the fact that it was a bit hot.

"I'm done", I announced.

"Good, now freshen up... we're leaving in a few minutes' time"


We arrived in front of a dome building after a few minutes of enduring the Sonic rider's death ride. Unlike in my imagination, the Sonic riders were black motorcycles which had high powered jet boosters as replacements for normal tires.

Gesturing at our Sonic riders, I asked, "Do we leave them here?"

"Yes, they're safe", Ryan responded.

As I averted my gaze from the parking lot which was strewn with various kinds of vehicles, I noticed two bald security guards standing in front of the building's main entrance. They were donned in the same outfits as us-- black tuxedos, but paired with very dark sunshades.

"Look alive...", Ryan whispered to me.

"Why are we here again?", I asked.

Ignoring me, Ryan took off his wristwatch and handed it over to the guard on the left. I silently watched as the guard took off his sun shade, beaming at the watch's screen with a red light from his eyes.

Turning to me, the guard on the right asked, "And you?"

"He's with me", Ryan cut in.

"Yeah, what he said", I added.

The glass doors swung open after the guards paved way, letting us into the building. My gaze was greeted by the elegantly polished black tiles, upon which strange symbols were embossed. On the right was a section where a couple of human-like persons sat behind a black marble counter. I looked up and saw the same blue human-like persons, all impeccably clad in the same black caped jumpsuits, trailing to and fro on the upper floor.

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