Part Three

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"Sophia, why do you let him treat you like that."

Markus Daniels and I are in the Garden at Liam's residence. I would not have had Markus here, but making Liam angry was in my livelihood, and today, I was in utter loathing of him.

"Why do you think you are here, Mr. Daniels?"

"To support you and be a friend."

"Exactly, to support me by pissing off Liam. Liam knows I kissed you at the pool party."

"I probably remember it quite differently from you."

I laughed, "Probably, I was drunk."

"Yeah, to say the least." He snickers.

I sit down next to him to pour myself lemonade.

"No, no. allow me." Markus grabs the pitcher and a glass from the table beside us. With a slow pour and a smile, he fills the glass with fresh lemonade and hands it to me.

"Thank you."

Markus has classy black shades, and we are both in swimsuits, basking in the late summer sun.

Markus Daniels is a man of class and good looks. He stands tall at 6 feet and is athletic, with chiseled features and a charming smile. He is always well-dressed, usually sporting tailored suits and polished shoes. His charm and sophistication have made him famous in our social circles, often being invited to the most exclusive events. He is a bit of a mystery, but those who take the time to get to know him, like I have, find someone who is warm, witty, and intelligent. Markus is the kind of man that women see as husband material and men admire. Much to the dismay of Liam, who finds him progressively intolerable.

"Markus Daniels. What are you doing here?" Liam strides around the pool we are sitting in front of, finally stopping beside me.

"Just keeping your lovely fiancé company."

"Yes, he is doing a fine good job keeping me warm." I tease.

"I bet." Liam frowns.

Like a grumpy kid, he crosses his arms and squints at us due to the blaring sun.

"Sophia, can you please come inside? I need you to help me with something."

"No, I am fine here."

"Sophia, please, I just need you a moment."

"Liam, I said no."

He turns on his heels and walks off. I look over to Markus.

"I think that is the first time he listened to me."

"He did not seem happy with me being here."

"Good, it is working," I smirk.

Markus adjusts his glasses, and I continue to sip my lemonade.

"We should take a dip in the pool together," I suggest.

"Do you want to make the man go crazy, Sophia?"

"I do not mind. Do you?"

"No." he smiles lightly.

He steps up and offers me his hand to get up. I proceed and set my now empty glass down.

"You might want to remove those fancy sunglasses."

"Good idea."

He goes to grab them. "No, no, allow me." I grin. I gently removed them from his handsome face and placed them beside my glass.

I turn towards the pool and grab his hand. "On the count of three, we will jump in. "

"All right, I am ready. "

"One, two, three! "We run towards the edge and jump. I cannot believe myself as I hit the water with Markus's hand in hand. We laugh as the water stills, and I push back the hair from my face.

Markus looks at me with anticipation. I am thrown by the want to kiss his beautiful face and the need to be a good friend. Without noticing my hesitation, Markus pulls me to him through the water and kisses me.

My heart flutters as I feel his warm lips against mine. I could feel the summer heat radiating from his body, and my body responded in kind. Our hands are intertwined as I lean into him, letting the incredible sensation of the water wash over us. His hands roam my body, exploring and caressing my curves. I feel my skin tingle excitedly as his lips move gently against mine.
The water around us seemed to take on a life of its own, enveloping us in a gentle embrace as we kiss. My pulse quickens as I feel his breath against my neck. His touch is soft and passionate.
Our kiss deepens, and I feel myself being pulled closer to him and my heart pounding as I give in to the moment, letting my hesitation go. His strong arms wrap around me. I open my eyes and notice that his are still closed. With his hands still around me, I feel this unfamiliar feeling of safety and love. He slowly opens his eyes. We stay in the pool for a few more moments, gazing at each other and basking in the sun's warmth. I knew at once after that kiss I would do anything to have Liam love me with as much passion as Markus's kiss showed me.

Stepping out of the pool, my heart started to pound, my palms sweaty, and my head spun. I could not believe what I had just done, completely sober. Did Liam see us? I searched for him in the distance, but he was nowhere to be found. Markus focused on me, "Are you looking for Liam? "I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest.
"Yes, I- we. I am sorry, Markus, that kiss was beautiful. Just ignore me."
He was so handsome, so strong, and so confident. I could not help but feel drawn to him, even if I wished that kiss had been with Liam. We stood in silence, both of us aware of the fleeting awkwardness.
His voice was like honey, smooth and sweet. He asked me another question, but I could not focus on his words. All I could concentrate on was my thoughts and how badly I wanted to feel loved by Liam. It's odd how people grow quiet about the things they think most about.
A shiver ran down my spine. I wanted to cry and be angry, but I was too scared. I just stood there, feeling bitter, my body and heart yearning for something I did not understand. All I knew of Liam was possession and coldness.

After about 15 minutes, Markus left. I felt terrible, just ignoring him as I did. I did not mean to be unfair and rude. I knew I deserved so much better than Liam. I deserved a man like Markus—a caring, charming, lovable friend.

The Unpredictable EdgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon