Part Six

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Dinner is served. Liam sits at one far end of the table, and I am at the other.

"So, your spur-of-the-moment blow job gambit was interesting earlier today. Were you trying to embarrass me?"

"There is no gambit. Business is business, and if I am only that to you. You are only that to me."

"Oh. I see. So, you give any guy a blow job?" The unpleasantness of his own words crept onto his face, but it did not show for long.

Avoiding the accusatory question, I changed the subject. "So, I was wondering if we could do a late winter wedding, maybe at the end of February."

"We have already been through this...the wedding is in December."

"Well, I will not be there," I say, lifting my wine glass and sipping from it.

"And why not?"

"Because I want my wedding in February or not at all."

"I am not changing my mind, Sophia."

"Yes, you will."

"Is that so?" he asked with speculation.

"Yes, it is...." I rise out of my seat, "You will allow the wedding to be in February, or I am not marrying you." I stroll over to him, and he pushes his chair out to get up, but I reach over and keep him seated.

"Sophia, what are you doing? Let me get up." He hails.

"No, you need to stay seated."

"I see the game you are trying to play, and it will not work."

"Won't it?" I smirk, climbing onto his lap.

"This is the manipulation game."

"And?" I ask teasingly. Facing him, I grind slowly against his already-hardened cock through his pants. He becomes uneasy, and his breath hitches. "You need to...." He shuts his eyes, forgetting his words. "Yes?" I question with amusement. I started to ride him more vigorously.

"Fuck." He curses under his breath.

"Shhh." I lean in and kiss him. Biting his lip just a little.

"Sophia." My name is like sweet music to my ears.

I have him right where I want him. Again, I ask him, this time with more haste, "Liam, do you think I could have a February wedding?"

He looks at me with a sheen of lust in his eyes. How could he say no? I grind slowly again, taking my time to build his orgasm.

He groans. "Liam?" I question once more.

His cock twitches, and a low, breathy grunt escapes his lips. I feel him cum making the layer of clothing between us damp.

With a large sigh, Liam smiles gently and rubs his hand down his face. "I suppose the merger can wait until February." He finally states, giving in.


Absolute perfection.

I climb off him and fix my dress.

"Okay, well, I am going to bed." I yawn, trying to show as much disinterest as I can.

"Wait, that is it? You do not want to finish what you started?"

"No. I am good."

"Good? You ruin yet another pair of my slacks and you are just good."

"Yes, goodnight, Liam."

I did feel good. Liam was compromising for me. I had more time to make him fall in love with me before the wedding. 

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