Part Nine

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It is Christmas Eve and Liam and I are at my parent's house, a big mansion on the East River.
A place that only felt like home when my parents were there.

"Sophia, my darling, can you help me pick the centerpiece for the feast."

My mother turns to me with two enormous sparkling candelabras, one silver and one gold.

"Go with the gold; it matches the place settings."

"You are right." She sets the giant gold candelabra in the middle of the table, complete with white porcelain plates and gold placemats under them.

"So, how are you and Liam, my dear?" Your wedding is only two months away."

"We are okay."

Liam and I were okay. Ever since the bear incident, there has been mutual respect. We still have not made love in any sense, but we have spent more time together doing simple things like walking, reading, and getting to know each other.

"It is good you are okay. Your father and I have never been happier. It has been quite nice. I hope one day you and Liam truly find that."

I give her a slight smile. "Me too."

Liam strides in, "Hey, Princess." With a chaste peck on the cheek and a side hug, Liam stands beside me.

"So, what is for supper, Mom?"

"A large honey-smoked ham with potatoes, a selection of vegetables, freshly baked bread, and my famous orange Christmas pie for dessert."

"Oh, that sounds delicious, Moira." Liam intercedes.

"Yes, I think it will be quite yummy." Mom replies.

Liam squeezes my hand gently, "I will be back. I have to drop something off with McAlister."

"Right now?" I question with complaint.

"Yes, I will not be long." He excuses himself and leaves.

"I hope he will be back in time for dinner." I pout.

My mother checks her watch. "Your father should be home any minute now and will not wait for Liam to return."

I sigh, "We can eat without him."

Suddenly, we both heard a door slam.

"What did I tell you."

My Dad comes through to the dining room.

"Merry Christmas, my dears!" My father smiles wide.

"Merry Christmas, Dad." I hug him, "Mom set out a beautiful spread."

"I see that, and Moira, my love, it looks wonderful."

"Thank you, dear."

"Where is Liam?"

"He left to bring paperwork or something to William McAlister."

"Oh. The merger contracts."

"Is that what it was?" I probe.

"Yes, he has some adjustments to make."

"He said back in November that there were loose ends."

"Yeah, Liam needs some things changed on it," he repeats.

"I see."

"Well, you two, I think we should start eating."

"I think so."

We all take a seat and dig into the Christmas Eve feast. 

It is 10 pm when Liam returns, and I am sitting in front of the fireplace, drinking the rest of my wine from dinner. My parents are already in bed.

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