Chapter 11: Interlude 3

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After lunch, we parted ways. Miyake and Hasebe went to the arcane area, while I and Horikita decided to go back to our rooms.

"So?" Horikita asked. "Why did you drag me into this?"

"Drag you into what?"

"Having lunch with those two."

"Like I said—"

"Stop spouting nonsense. I can tell you had another ulterior motive." Horikita's voice became agitated. "It's fine that you don't want to share it with me, but don't you dare trick me."

She's just as sharp as ever.

I sighed. "You got me there. Sorry. I wanted to observe how those two interact with you."

"I knew it." She grumbled. "Is there a reason for it?"

"I wanted to gauge their thinking and personality, seeing that they will be close to me in the future." I paused to look at her face before continuing. "To see what kind of relationship I could potentially have with them. But it looks like I was overthinking; they are just normal friends."

"Just for that?"

"Like I said, the most important reason was you." I said, looking into her eyes. "If you want to reach Class A and get approved by your brother, you can't rely on me. After all, rather than saying you reach Class A by your strength, it would be solely because of my abilities, right?"

"But if I have a good card on my hand, shouldn't I use it?" She asked, as she didn't understand what was wrong with her mindset.

"If you keep using it, then you won't know how to use other cards." I sighed. "A good leader should be able to use all their cards, not just abuse one."

Horikita contemplated my words.

She was incredible sharp most of the time, but she had tunnel vision when it came to socializing with other people.

She probably didn't even realize what my implication was.

"Isn't socializing with Hirata-kun, Karuizawa-san, and Kushida-san good enough for that? What's the point of me having lunch with those two? Or are you saying they had hidden talents that I don't know?"

She came up with a decent rebuttal, but it was just her being stubborn.

"Did you know Ike is good with camping stuff? Did you know Inogashira, who is the sewing club good at making pillows from leaves? Did you ever notice about others' talents beside a few like Hirata and others?"

"I do now."

"That's not enough." I tried to explain it to her. "As a leader who has to defend or attack other classes, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses beforehand. Else, you'll be caught off guard when the moment comes."

"That's why I said socializing with Hirata-kun and others is good enough."

"And what if a special exam happens and Hirata is unstable like this situation? Or what if Kushida decides to betray our class as revenge? Or what if Karuizawa gets sick?"

"The chance of them happening at the same time is not probable."

"But possible." I pointed it out for her. "Now that the other classes know how unstable Hirata and how wicked Kushida are, if the enemy decides to attack these weak points, that's the end for our class."

At last, we reached my room.

"Think about it in your free time."

Before I got in, I dropped another bomb on her. "Also, you're coming with me to have dinner with the other girls."

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