Chapter 6: Growing Up

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***6 months later***

Thea is now about 10 feet long already and about 10 feet tall. She's grown so much in such a short time. It's amazing.

I work with her every day for approximately three to six hours a day. She then gets the rest of the days off. Lately though, she's been antsy. I've check with ACU (Asset containment Unit) that she gets fed at least 5 times a day and gets at least the amount of 10 goats total.

I heard Lowery talking to Vivian the other day about a storm that is making it's way towards Costa Rica, but will probably miss it. He says it most likely will hit us and I guess the animals can sense it.

Currently I'm standing on top of the cross walk for Thea's paddock. This area is still out of bounds for the park, it should be open in the next two months though. especially with Thea's progress.

I have a pile of flares by my feet and Thea's charts in my hands. Thea is standing a little bit away from the cross walk so that she can watch me. She recognized me as her mother back when she was born and she still sees me as that to this day. I can tell because she still tries to get close to me to cuddle with me like I let her in the first three months. Surprisingly she has never made a threatening move towards me, but I try not to get my hopes up.

"Okay baby, today we are going to work with your interactions again okay?" I feel like she can understand me to some degree. Signally that she heard what I said, she tilts her head to the right a little. I smile down at her and grab my walkie talkie.

"Alright, Barry I'm ready for the harness." Barry responds with an okay and a crane starts up outside the paddock. I see the harness on the bottom of the wire that is being moved out to me. When it reaches me, I take the harness and put it on. Then I triple check the cable to make sure that they are all in place and connected correctly.

I give a thumbs up to Barry when I'm all clear.

The crane lifts me up and dangles me above the paddock. Thea gets up to move towards me.

"Thea..." Warning was clear in my voice. She huffs and moves back to her spot and sits down. "good girl."

Barry lowers me to Thea's eye level even though she is sitting quite a way from me. She just stares and doesn't move. Touching down on the ground, I radio Barry telling him to loosen up the cables, let them drop some more.

I've worked on being lowered into Thea's paddock plenty of times, the amount that I've made it to the ground successfully I could count on my left hand.

"I will not let the cables drop more! Are you crazy? What if she comes at you, we won't have enough time to get you out." What he's saying is true, but I don't care. I miss my baby and we need to work on these interaction skills.

"Barry, just do it. I'll be fine. She trusts me, I trust her, AND I'm her mother. Now drop the cables lower so I can walk." He grumpily agrees and lets the wires drop some more allowing me to walk around a bit.

Thea is sitting there, just watching. I move towards her and put my hands out to show I'm not a threat. She whines a little and stands up. The cables begin to tighten signalling that they are retracting.

"Barry, god damn it! I'm fine. She won't hurt me and if I think I'm in danger I'll let you know!" I angrily call into the walkie talkie. The cables stop moving.

I look up to see that Thea has moved a little closer to me. "C'mon baby. Mommy's right here. You know I love you." Cooing at her I take a few more steps.

I hear a buzzer come from behind her. Oh sh-!

"BARRY NOW! GET ME OUT! GET ME OUT NOW!" I panic. Thea is easily spooked and neither of us were expecting it. Thea growls and roars, whipping around at the noise. My cables tighten up again and I'm moving up.

I see Thea's goat coming out of the ground ten feet to my right. This can't be good at all. The crane isn't moving fast enough. She stops whipping around and locks her eyes on me.

The last thing I remember was holding one arm out to stop her while screaming at Barry to get me out and immense pain in my left arm. After that everything was dark.

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