Chapter 13: Baby Daddy

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Dr. Wu rushed over to our section of the lab. He held a box of gloves out for the both of us to take. I grabbed mine and stepped back from the incubator to put them on. Owen struggled. In his excitement, he ripped one and had to grab another. 

Dr. Wu left the box on the desk and returned to the geneticists part of the lab. 

"Owen, take your time," I said. He was about to rip his new glove. "They need to break the shell first and poke through before you can actually help them." Owen shot me a look, but managed to put his gloves on. 

It's not like I've done this before or anything

One of the four eggs began to crack. Owen's face lit up and he looked to me with a smile. The egg continued to crack , but it seemed the animal was having trouble. Another thirty seconds passed and finally a little claw poked through followed by an even tinier hand. It scratched at the shell from the outside trying to break it. 

Another one of the eggs began to crack. This one had no problem breaking through the egg with its head. Owen slowly moved around the table to greet the little one and helped her push through the rest of the shell. 

Dr. Wu came back over with a bowl of warm water and some towels to clean them off. He placed them on the desk next to the box of gloves and walked away again. When Owen picked her up, I noticed a streak of color down her body. He cradled her in his hands as he walked to the desk to wash her. Soft, squeaky caws came from her mouth the entire way. 

"Blue," Owen said. I gave him a questioning look. "Her name is Blue." A laugh made its way out of my mouth. 

"You literally just named her a color because of her stripe? How unoriginal." He gave me a dirty look.

"These are my children, butt out." He pouted then looked really confused. "Uh, where do I put her once she's clean?" He asked. 

Dr. Wu reappeared and said he'd take them to the nursery. Owen nodded and continued to clean off Blue. I wandered back to the incubator and noticed that the first egg was finally breaking free and the other two had started to crack as well.

"Uh, Owen. Do you want to switch places?" 

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