All left behind

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Bonnie P.O.V

"Come on, honey, you got to get up. It's your last day at this school." My dad said.
"I don't wanna."
"But, you have to. It's never easy to get up in the morning. Trust me, I know."

"No, it's not about mornings, it's about academy. I don't want to go there and I don't want to leave this school. I have friends here, they know me and they understand me." I said with the tears in my eyes.
"No, honey. They don't know you. No one in this school does. I know that you don't want to go there, I didn't want to go there neither, but when I got there I saw how beautiful it is." My dad tried to encourage me.

"You don't understand. I am only 18. I have life to live. I don't want to be in that prison you call Academy." I said. Now, tears are falling down my face.
"Don't you cry. You will find there new friends, friends who will really know you. They will know who you are, what you are." I know that what was he saying is the truth. I knew my friends in school don't really know me.

"I know, dad." I said and got up. This is my last day in this school. I have to go to academy. Not any academy, but Lamia academy.

Lamia academy is school for born vampires. Born vampires are vampires who were born as vampires, not turned. In Lamia academy they learn how to control themselves. Every three years new vampires are going there and they live there for three years. It depends on how old are they, we can be 17, 18 or 19 to go there.

~~~~~~[in school]~~~~~~

"Hi, how are you today?" My best friend Maya asked.
"Not so good." I said with sad voice.
"Why? What happened?" She asked worried.
"Nothing, just that I won't go to school tomorrow." I said.
"I am moving. I am going to live with my mom." I was lying. My mom died. A vampire killed her, but no one knows that. Everybody think that she and my dad got divorced and that she moved.

We walked to the classroom.
"So, where your my lives?" Maya asked all sudden.
I was quiet for second. I need to come with good city so she couldn't come there or something like that.
"Uhmm,my mom? She lives in Asia." I said. I didn't expect to say that.
"Really? Witch city?" She asked.
"Golog." I said first city I saw on the map. Luckily, we have geography class now.
"Witch country is it in?" She asked now in disbelief.
"It's in China." I said and put on fake smile.
"OK, then." She said and smiled. Luckily, she is not that smart so... yeah.

~~~~~~[after six periods]~~~~~~

"It's our last day together, I'll miss you." She said.
"Yes, I'll miss you, too." I smiled and hugged her.
"I hope you will be happy there."
"I hope, too." I laughed.
"Can I go with you to your place?" She asked.
"No, I'm sorry. I need to pack my stuff and everything." I said not so happy about it.
"I will cry." She said.
"Me too." I said and hugged her one more time.
"I'll miss you. Goodbye."
"I'll miss you,too." I said and left.

~~~~~~[while home]~~~~~~

"Daaaaddd, I'mmm hooommeee." I yelled.
"Hi, honey. You came."
"Yes, I did." I said with sad tone.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"No, I'm going to pack my things now."
"OK, honey. Do you need help?"
"No, thanks dad." I said, smiled and left.

I took two biggest suitcases. I opened my closet and started packing my stuff.
I didn't know what to take and what to leave.

"What is this? How I get this? This is so ugly. When I wore this? OMG, WTF?" I was asking myself.

After two hours I finished. It's my last day in this house, in this school, in this world.
What is going to happen next? I just don't know. Why life needs to be this complicated?

"Have you done?" My dad asked me when I got downstairs.
"Yes, I have."
"Good. How you feel? Are you excited?" He asked me.
"No,not really. This is horrible. I don't want to go there. What could possibly happen if I stay here?" I asked.
"You could get out of control. What then?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know. Of course you don't know. It would be bad." It was all he said.

"Where is Emily. Is she packed herself?"
"I am right here. Yes, I did." Emily said.
Emily is my sister. She is 17 and she is pretty much happy with all this thing, about academy.

"How could you be happy with this? We are leaving our lifes behind." I said.
"How could you not be happy with this? We are going to learn all about vampires. We are going to be strong and fearless vampires." She said with big smile on her face.

It's time to go. Lamia academy is near New York. It's half under ground and half on the ground. It looks like some old castle, but people can't get in. It's protected so only vampires could get in.
We live in LA so we need to travel.

~~~~~~[in the plane]~~~~~~

"You really aren't happy?" Emily asked me.
"No, I am not. I won't eat anyone so I don't need to go to that stupid school." I said angrly.
"I know, but it's so cool."
"Nothing is cool about it."
"If you say so." She smiled to me and I just rolled my eyes.

We came. We needed to go with car to the academy. When we got there it was already night. It was scary and ghostly. There were no ghosts, but it was ghostly.

"Come in." Strange voice said. One man let us in. There were a lot of people in hallway as confused as we.

"You are new students in Lamia academy. You know that Lamia in Latin means vampire so this is basically Vampire academy, but it's too rough name. In the next three years you will learn how to live and survive in this world. How to hunt your pray, how to suck someones blood directly from veins, how to not miss the vein. You will have stuff to do in these three years. All of you will get the mentor. He will teach you everything you need to know, but remember you must not dating your mentor because it's out of rules, you can date whoever you want, but your mento never." With that words he finished.

"Now, how I call your names you will come to me. I'll tell you who your mentor is and witch room you are in. Understand?"

"Understand." We said like one.

"Emma".. "Sophia".... "Tyler"... "Lily"... "Xia".... "Flynn".. he was telling the names. I was so impatient. He called my name, finnaly. I went to him.

"You are Bonnie Hunter?" He asked.
"Yes, I am." I answered.
"Good. How old are you?"
"OK. Draw one paper from the basked." He ordered me. I did.
"Who you got?"
"I got Nicholas Black." I said.
"Good, you will find him on the second floor in the room number 126."
"OK." I was about to leave.
"Wait. You are not finish, yet. You need to draw another paper from this basket."
"OK." I pulled one paper.
"What number?"
"195." I said.
"Your room is on third floor number 195. You can go now."

I went on the third floor. Room number 195. I entered. There were two another girls in it. Room was big. In three corners were three beds. There were three closets. Big closets. In the middle was one red, nappy carpet and on the ceiling was big chandelier decorated with flowers. Room was painted dark blue. In the only left corner was table with four chairs. Room was beautiful, I didn't expect that here.

"Hi, I am Jessica." Blond girl said and reach out to shake my hand.
"Hi, I'm Bonnie. Nice to meet you." I answered.
"Hi, I'm Linda." Other girl said.
"Hi, it's beautiful name." I said and shook her hand.
"Thanks." She said and smiled.

~~~~~~[author note]~~~~~~

Hi, thanks for reading. It's my first story so please comment and vote.

Zendaya Coleman as Bonnie Hunter
Cymphonique as Emily Hunter
Bridgit Mendler as Jessica Wilson
Laura Marano as Linda Garcia
Trevor Jackson as Nicholas Black

I don't know who Maya is. You can picture her how ever you want. And other characters you'll get how story goes.

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