Wrong thing

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Bonnie P.O.V.

Nicholas took me to his room. My clothes were covered with blood. I washed my face. He changed his clothes.

"Are you good now?" He asked me.
"Yes, I guess." I don't know if I am good or not.
"Tell me, what happened?" He asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"You were different yesterday. Why would you do that? All killing stuff?" He asked.
"I don't know. Like you said, people can change in one day. I was hurt, I wanted to hurt people who hurt me." I said.
"I feel ya." He said and smiled.

"Do you want any new clothes?" Nicholas asked me.
"No, I am good." I said.
"But you are covered with blood." He said. I looked at myself. All my clothes are red.
Covered with blood.
"I can see that, but I don't have any clothes here, so.." I said and wanted to continue, but he cut me off.
"I can give you my T-shirt at least."
"You don't have to." I didn't know what to say.
"I don't, but I will." He said and gave me his T-shirt.

I can't describe how good it smells. It smells like a flower, not any flower, but rose. Not like rose than vanilla, no not vanilla, something even more perfect.

"So, what is all this painted all over the wall?" I asked. The walls were almost red.
"It's just something I was always doing. These are the names of people I killed. I know it sounds rough, but at least I know who I killed." He said and started to laugh.
"But, almost everything says Unknown?"
"It's because I don't know names of my prays." He said. It's a logical explanation.

We were in silence for a few minutes. I was reading names. Most of them were unknown. He broke the silence.

"So, what did you do in your old school?" He asked.
"I don't know. My life was different back than. I had my friends and we were going almost every day to the mall. In school I was an A student. I was a cheerleader. The team captain." I said to him.
"Very nice. You were very popular, weren't you?" He asked with a smile.
"I guess. I don't know, everyone was saying that I am so pretty and that pretty girls should be popular, but I don't see that beauty." I said.

"It seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you." He said. He is right. I don't see my beauty when I look myself in the mirror.

"And what's with you? How old are you?" I asked him with a smile on my face.
"Me? I am 115." He smiled.
"Grandpa." I laughed.
"Yes, I could be." He didn't get mad. He just laughed with me.
"How many girlfriends you've had in 115 years?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I've never counted." He laughed.
"You counted your prays but you didn't count your girlfriends." I smiled.
"That is true." He smiled back.

"Has any girl ever broke your heart?" I asked just because I didn't know what else to ask.

"Yes. Once, 40 years ago. Her name was Ashley. She was young and I thought she cares about me. I was wrong. We were together 5 years and I thought that's it. She's the one. She broke my heart. She left me. She found someone. And that someone was my best friend. Liam. I've known him forever. And he did that to me. He escape from Lamia academy with her. Since than I trust no one. I don't want someone to hurt me again. That day I lost two peope who I care about and I don't wanna that to happen again." He was telling me that and his eyes filled with tears.

"I am sorry." I said. I don't know what to say. It's horrible what happened to him. I wouldn't want that to anyone.

"So, you never had a girlfriend after her?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"But, life is too short to wait. You only live once, right?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Yes, life is too short to wait, but life is also a game. you can be a player or a toy. And in my game I was a toy." He said and turned his head.

"No, you are not a toy. You think that you are, but you are not. You live in your own world, you are a vampire. Your life is not too short. Your life can be whatever you want it to be. You just need to try. You taught me that." I said. He turned his head back to me and looked me in my eyes.

"I taught you that? It's different with you. Your life just begun. Your heart is pure and my is filled with darkness..." He started. This time I cut him off.

"Stars can't shine without darkness. Everything you need is to follow your heart."

"You say to follow my heart, but if my heart is in million pieces, which piece do you follow?"

"Which piece do you follow? You follow the piece which is closest to your heart."

"Right now, I wanna follow one part, but that part is forbidden." He said.
"How do you mean forbidden?" I asked confused.
"You said I should follow the part that's closest to my heart. You are closest to my heart."

He said and kissed me. I didn't resist it. I want it. I know I shouldn't, but I want it. I feel something so right, but doing the wrong thing. It's stupid that we can't be with our mentors. Who said it? Nicholas pulled back after a long kiss.

"I am sorry." He said. I was looking at him.
"What for?" I asked confused.
"For kiss." He said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I wanted it. I wanted it since I saw you. And that fucking thing that we can't date our mentors is just stupid." I said angrily.

"Yes, it's stupid, but it is how it is." He said.
"Why is that like that. Who thinks of that?" I asked.

"Once, one girl had that mentor. It was even before I was born. She fell in love with her mentor. She loved him, but one thing no one knew, she was witch."

"Wait? Witch? In academy for vampires?" I asked now confused.

"Yes, witch. Well, she was a witch, but she was a vampire, too. That kind of people are very rare. How I already said, she fell in love with him. One day, they went on a date. They were happy. Happiest people anyone has ever seen. But that happines didn't last long. He cheated on her. When she found out, she cast a curse on all vampires in Lamia academy. Then she killed him and herself after. Since then they don't let anyone date theirs mentors and they're testing all vampires to see if they are witches."

He finished and I was standing there with my mouth open. Wait, really? Witch is a vampire? How?

"That curse? Is it broken?" I asked. So many questions, but I can't ask them all.
"Yes, they found another witch from hers family and they made her to break a curse. Of course she didn't want it in the beginning, but after she did it." He answered my question.

"And how is it possible to be a vampire and a witch in the same time. I thought that when you become a vampire a witch in you dies." I said.
"Apparently, a vampire witch blood runs only in hers family and not all knows that, just someone and not many kids born in that family is a vampire witch, just some." He explained.
"So, how do you know who is a vampire witch?"
"We do testing. It should be tomorrow." He said.

"What if someone really is a vampire witch in this school?"
"We'll kill her or him." He said.

~~~~~~[author note]~~~~~~

Another part. Thanks for reading and if you like it vote and comment. It would mean a lot to me. Till next chapter... bye.

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