Don't judge a book by it's cover

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Bonnie P.O.V.

Memories are so fucked up. It would be so easier if I forget something has ever happened. I wouldn't feel that pain again, my heart wouldn't break into pieces all over again.

Today I haven't seen anyone. I went in practice room at 6 am. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I am going to prepare myself. I won't leave Nicholas alive. He took my life, now is time for me to take his.

I was 2 hours in practice room. I ate some guy. I don't know who is he. I don't care who is he. I just know that he became my meal. I was ready to kill Nicholas. To rip his head off. This is it.

He entered the room. He was looking at me all confused. He asked me:
"What are you doing here this early?"
"I was preparing myself." I said.
"Preparing for what?" He asked.
"Preparing myself for killing you." I sad angrily.

"Why? What have I done?" I could see he is scared.
"What have you done? Do you remember 16 years ago... you killed one woman. Your father killed her, more precisely. But you stood there and finally help him. She has two kids. Apparently, his husband's grandparents killed your mother. Grandparents. They had nothing in common with that man and his wife." I said.

"It was 16 years ago. Why you care about it?" He asked pulling back.
"Why I care? I care because that woman you killed was my mother." I said holding the knife directed towards at his heart.

"I am sorry. Please put down that knife so we can talk." He said getting closer to me.
"Do not come closer!!" I yelled.
But he is faster. He is stronger. He grabbed my hand and took the knife out of it. He threw it to the side.

"We can solve this. Please talk to me. I am sorry. You think I am proud of it? You think I was happy? You think I don't regret it? Guess what? I do. I didn't want to do that. I didn't. My dad made me to do that. He said I am a vampire. He said that I don't deserve to be a vampire if I choose not to kill. If I choose to forgive people who hurt me. I done that because I wanted to prove my father wrong. I wanted him to see that I am not a fearful. I wanted him to be proud of me for once in my life." He said that.

I was quiet. I was looking at him. He sat down next to me. Tears were falling down my face. I was hurt, but he was too. He was hurt inside.

"I act like I don't care, but deep down, I swear, it kills me." He continued.

He looked at me. His eyes sparkled. I could feel his pain. I've never really thought about his feelings. He is hurt more than I am.

"So please, don't judge me by my past, I don't live there anymore." He said.

I was so unfair to him. It's true. He doesn't live there anymore. He might changed. He might really regret it.

"I've never wanted to be a vampire. I've never wanted to kill people just for food. I am a vampire. I will always be a vampire. You can't get away from yourself. You can't decide not to see yourself anymore. You can't decide to turn off the noice in your head. I have to live with this. I didn't want to help my father in killing your mother, but I didn't have other choice. But I changed." He said to me even more painful.

I was looking at him. Directly in his eyes.
"People can't change in one day. In one year. They can't." I said.

"We are born in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in one day." He said.

I think it happened to me. One person who I hated the most. In one day. I fell in love. In his words. In his action. I still hate him, but now I am confused.

"Why you hate me because of what I did 16 years ago. Let your past go. If you don't let your past die, then it won't let you live. You can hate me the rest of your life, but you won't have life, because your anger will eat you inside."

I knew that. I want to forgive him, but I just can't. What he did. What he didn't do. It's all too much.

"I could still have my mother, but your father killed her. I don't even remember her. All I remember is her death." I yelled in tears.

"When you lose someone, you try to remember the last time you saw them. And most of the time it's a blurry memory, because in that time you had no idea it would be the last." Nicholas said looking in my eyes.

"But I was so young. I didn't want to lose my mom." I cried.

"Sometimes life doesn't give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, it's because you deserve more."

"You don't have any idea how it's to be mad and sad in the same time." I said looking at him. At his eyes.

"I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad and disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a smile and move on. It will hurt, but I will survive." He said.

I had no idea that he is that hurt. He is not that though as I thought he was. I was wrong. It's not his fault, his dad made him to do that. He didn't really want that.

"I want it to finish, bu tI think there is no happy ending with me." I said queit.

"Happy ending? There are no happy endings. You just need a happy middle and if it's not happy, then it's not an end." He said. I would never knew he is so wise.

"I don't know what to say. I am sorry. I am sorry for everything. I didn't really knew you and I was wrong." I was apologising to Nicholas.

"You don't need to be sorry. You weren't wrong, you were hurt." He said to me.

"I was, I still am, but I am sorry for trying to kill you." I said with a smile, but still in tears.

He smiled, stand up and give me a hand. I took it.
"No problem. I will just take this knife and not let you to take it again." He said.
"It's probably a good idea." I smiled.

He is not so bad after all. He is pretty much good. I was wrong and I shouldn't judge him before I knew him.

~~~~~~[author note]~~~~~~

I hope you liked this part. Never judge a book by it's cover. You never know what that people have to live with or without. If you liked this please vote and comment.

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