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Bonnie P.O.V.

Emily left and I stayed alone. Nicholas won't be mad that I told her. I mean, his sister knows, why wouldn't mine. I want to tell everything to Jessica and Linda. They're my best friends, but I think that Nicholas woudn't let me.

I told Omar that I will go practice in that room he showed me. Now I have nothing better to do so I am going downstairs.

First, I looked around to see if someone is close. No one was near so I walked in the elevator. I pressed the button and went down.

It's so beautiful down here. Some people would say it's ugly, but for me it's beautiul because I like old things. I don't kbow how to practice here. I really think that someone needs to help me.

I saw some shelves. I went to see it. There were some rolls. I opened it and now I understand why this is a practice room for a witches.

On that roll is explained how to control your magic. I started practicing. I did a rwally good job. I learned how to raise things in the air. I raised rolls and some rocks that were on the floor. Then I learned how to move water. I had a bottle of water with me. I would say it was very good day.

~~~~~~[next day]~~~~~~

Omar told me that I need to practice again. He told that he would help me. I need to come down withous Nicholas noticing. He wasn't anywhere near so we went down. We practice and Omar came close to me.

"You are perfect." He said.
"Thanks. I think that I'm making progress, but I'm not perfect yet." I said.
"No, I am not talking about your magic. I am talking about you. You are perfect. You are beautiful. I've never met anyone like you. You are the girl of my dreams." He said and I am speachless now.

I quickly got up and stay away from him.
"Uhmm. I got to go now." I said and turned around, but he took my hand.
"Don't run away. I love you. I can make you happier than Nicholas can. He isn't good for you. I am. I know that you feel something for me, too. I can see it on yur face. You wouldn't save me, if you think different."
"No, Omar, I..." I started, but he kissed me.
That kiss felt wrong. It wasn't even good. I mean it was not bad, but I had better. I pushed him away.

But it was too late because Nicholas was down and he saw everything. He was looking like he saw a ghost.
"Nicholas." I said, but he run away like I'm some murderer.
"Bonnie." Omar saud and touched my hand.
"Leave me alone. You did this on purpose. I hate you." I yelled at him and run after Nichoas.

He locked his room. I knocked and knocked and knocked, but nothing. Than I unlocked with my magic, I learned that down.

"Nicholas, talk to me please." I said, but he was looking at me cold.
"We are done. You can go down to Omar now. I won't stop you." He said like he hates me. What he probably do.
"Please don't. I don't like Omar. Please." I said while crying and coming closer to Nichoals, but he pushed me away.

"Do not come closer. I hate when people betrey me. Remember when you said that you aren't Ashley. Guess what? You are exactly like her. I hate you." He yelled.

Tears were in my eyes. I can't believe that just happened. I wanted to go in my room, but I change my opinion on the way. I went in the Main man's room.

I entered without knocking. Sat on the chair and said.
"I don't want to go in this school anymore." I said.
"Why?" The Main man said.
"I broke rule and now that rule broke me." I said.
"I know you broke the rule. Is Omar hurt you?" He asked.
"No, not that rule. I broke 3 rules. And now I am readdy to tell you." I said and started.

"First rule you know already, I turned Omar. Second I dated my mentor.."
"Dated?" He asked.
"Yes, we broke up today because Omar kissed me and Nicholas saw that. I don't want you to kill him, I wanna die, I don't wanna feel that pain anymore." I said and tears filled my eyes.

"I won't kill you. You know why?" The main man said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because I love you." The main man said.
"What?" I asked like I didn't hear him.
"I love you Bonnie Hunter. I loved you sincr kindergarten. My dad was the Main man, but he died. I took his place."
"Who are you?" I asked.

He took his mask off. My eyes wide opened. Is that really him? Is that that boy I know for 12 years? That is Alex. Alex Ward.

"You surprised?" He smiled.
"Yeah, man!!" I yelled with a smile.
"I won't kill you, I don't wanna be like my father. I know that you don't love me, but I can't do nothing about it. I wanna make a difference." He said.

"Can I tell yoi something?" I asked.
"Yes, of course." He said.
"Third rule I broke is that I am a witch." I said.
"You are a what now?" He asked.

~~~~~~[author note]~~~~~~

Jeremy Jordan as Alex Ward

It's 13th chapter. I will make two more so this story will have 15 chapter. If you liked my chapter vote and comment on it.


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