Brother's baby food

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Eric had always been small for his age. In fact, he was born the size of a grain of salt. His parents were shocked when they first saw him, but they loved him just the same. They named him Eric – a strong name for such a tiny baby.

As he grew older, Eric learned to navigate the world around him. He would climb on objects, much like a bug, and explore his surroundings. His parents were always worried that he would get lost in the house, but Eric was clever and always managed to find his way back.

One day, Eric was in the kitchen with his dad. His little brother Adam, who was one year old, was sitting in his high chair, eagerly awaiting his meal. His dad was making him some homemade baby food, and Eric was fascinated by the process. He watched as his dad mashed up the vegetables and fruits, creating a smooth puree.

But then, disaster struck. As Eric was peering over the edge of the counter, he lost his balance and fell straight into the jar of baby food. He was too small to be noticed, and his dad didn't see him fall in.

Eric tried his best to swim and stay afloat in the thick, mushy substance. He was terrified of being mixed in and eaten by his brother. But as his dad scooped up a spoonful of the baby food and brought it towards Adam's mouth, Eric had no choice but to hold on tight and hope for the best.

To his surprise, Adam didn't seem to notice Eric in the spoonful of food. He happily opened his mouth and his dad fed him the food, with Eric trapped inside. Eric was tossed around in Adam's mouth, the taste of mashed carrots and apples overwhelming him.

But just as Eric thought it couldn't get any worse, Adam let out a big burp. Eric was jolted around and then suddenly found himself flying through the air. He landed with a thud on the soft carpeted floor, unharmed but covered in baby food.

Relieved to be out of the jar and unharmed, Eric quickly scrambled away as his dad picked up Adam to burp him. From a distance, he watched as his dad patted Adam's back, unaware of what had just happened.

Eric was shaken by the experience, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of adventure. He had survived being fed to his little brother, and he had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time he found himself in a daring situation.

From then on, Eric was more careful around the kitchen and made sure to stay away from any jars of baby food. He had learned his lesson, and he couldn't wait to tell his friends about his wild and unbelievable experience.

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