First day of school

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Eric had always been small. In fact, he was born the size of a grain of salt. His parents were shocked and worried, but the doctors assured them that Eric was healthy and would continue to grow like any other child. However, as years went by, it became apparent that Eric was not going to be like any other child.

Due to his tiny size, Eric had to stay home most of his life. It was simply too dangerous for him to venture out into the world, where he could easily be stepped on or lost in a crowd. So, he spent his days studying and playing with his toys, dreaming of the day when he would finally be able to go to school like all the other kids.

That day finally arrived when Eric turned twelve. His parents had been working with a team of scientists to develop a special suit that would protect Eric and also allow him to interact with the outside world. With the help of this suit, Eric was finally able to attend school for the first time.

As he walked through the doors of the school, Eric felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was a little afraid of what the other kids would think of him, but he was determined to make the best of this opportunity.

Things were going well as Eric met his new classmates and participated in lessons. He even made a new friend named Spencer, who was also twelve years old. They bonded over their mutual love for science and video games.

But things took a bad turn during lunchtime. Spencer, being taller and stronger, carried Eric in his shirt pocket so he could be near his friend while they ate. Everything seemed fine until they reached the lunch line and Spencer reached for something in the tray.

In the process, Eric fell out of the pocket and into a bowl of red jello. Spencer didn't even notice and continued on with his meal, leaving Eric stranded in the jello. The bowl was then picked up by six-year-old Kyle, who was busy chatting with his friends as he made his way to the table.

Eric could feel the jello shaking as Kyle grabbed the bowl and placed it on his lunch tray. Panicking, Eric tried to crawl out of the bowl, but the sticky jello kept pulling him back. Before he knew it, he was being scooped up by a spoon and brought towards Kyle's mouth.

Eric watched in horror as Kyle's mouth opened and the spoon placed him and the jello onto the giant tongue. Kyle started to chew, tossing Eric around his mouth with each movement. Eric held on for dear life, determined not to be swallowed.

As he was being tossed around, Eric spotted Spencer frantically searching for him. He knew he had to find a way out of Kyle's mouth and get back to his friend. Using all his strength, Eric crawled onto Kyle's tongue and made his way towards the edge of his mouth.

Just as Kyle started to swallow, Eric jumped out of his mouth and onto the table, narrowly avoiding being swallowed. He quickly crawled towards Spencer, who had spotted him and was now running towards him.

As they reunited, Eric couldn't help but feel grateful for his friend and their special bond. From that day on, Eric and Spencer made a promise to always stick together and look out for each other, no matter what challenges their unique sizes may bring

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