School basketball game

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Eric was born the size of a grain of salt. It was a rare condition that left him no taller than an ant. His parents were worried about his safety, but Eric never let his size hold him back. He had a best friend named Spencer, who was the only one who could see and hear him. Together, they did everything they could to make Eric's life as normal as possible.

One day, Spencer came up with the idea of going to the basketball game at their school. It was the last game of the season and both boys were excited to see their school team play. Spencer picked up Eric and carefully placed him in his shirt pocket as they rode to the school on their bikes.

As they arrived at the school gym, they could hear the cheers and the sounds of the game. It was packed with people and Spencer had a hard time finding a place to sit. Finally, they found a spot in the stands where Spencer could watch the game and Eric could see from his shoulder.

The game was intense and both boys were having a great time. But just as their team was about to make a comeback, disaster struck. Spencer stood up to cheer and in the excitement, Eric was thrown from his shoulder and flew across the gym.

He landed in a water bottle that was sitting at the edge of the court. As he reached the surface of the water, he realized where he was and saw one of the players, Carter, picking up the water bottle. Eric tried to swim away but it was no use, he was stuck in the bottle with the water.

Not realizing that Eric was inside the bottle, Carter brought it up to his mouth and started drinking the water. As the water poured into Carter's mouth, Eric was pulled towards the opening of the bottle. He held on tight and closed his eyes as he was poured into Carter's mouth with the water.

Eric was now inside Carter's mouth, with only his tiny size and quick reflexes keeping him from being swallowed. He saw that the water was flowing towards Carter's uvula and knew that he had to jump before he ended up being swallowed.

With all his might, Eric jumped onto Carter's uvula and held on for dear life as the water continued to flow into Carter's mouth. When the water stopped, Eric quickly scrambled onto Carter's tongue and made his way to the front of his mouth.

Before Carter could realize what was happening, Eric was expelled from his mouth and landed on the gym floor. He quickly made his way to Spencer, who was relieved to see him safe and sound.

After the game, Eric and Spencer headed home, with Eric still shaken from his adventure. But one thing was for sure, they would never forget the last basketball game of the season.

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