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Eric had always been small. Worryingly small. A medical mystery, his parents called it. He was born the size of a grain of salt, much to the shock and amazement of the doctors and nurses at the hospital. They had never seen anything like it before.

But to Eric, being tiny was all he had ever known. His parents took extra care of him, making sure he was always safe and protected. He couldn't go to school like other kids his age, so his only companion was his 5-year-old brother, Aidan.

One day, while Aidan was at the dentist for a check-up, Eric decided to explore the office. Being small had its perks, and one of them was being able to fit into tight spaces and go unnoticed. He ventured into an exam room and climbed up to the top of the dental light, curious to see what was happening in the rest of the office.

From his vantage point, Eric watched as a young boy sat in the examination chair and opened his mouth wide for the dentist. He watched in fascination as the dental light hovered over the boy's mouth, shining bright light onto his teeth.

Suddenly, there was a bump and the light shook, causing Eric to lose his balance and fall. He landed with a thud onto the boy's tongue, which had been pushed out of the way by the dental tools.

Eric's heart raced as he realized he was inside the boy's mouth. He tried to get up, but the tongue moved with every breath the boy took, making it impossible for Eric to escape.

With fear and panic setting in, Eric could only hope that the boy would soon open his mouth and let him out. But that was not the case. The boy was getting a thorough dental exam and cleaning, and Eric had to endure it all from the inside.

He felt the sharp scraping of the dental tools on the boy's teeth, the suction of the saliva ejector, and the spray of water from the dental pokes. It was a terrifying experience for Eric, who had never been this close to such big teeth before.

Finally, the dental exam was over, and the boy left the office with his parents. Eric's heart sank as he realized that he was stuck inside the boy's mouth and would have to face his lunch as well. He watched in horror as the boy was handed a sandwich and took a huge bite, not realizing that he had a tiny boy in his mouth.

Eric was tossed around as the boy chewed his food, trying to hold on for dear life. He was afraid that with every chew, he would be swallowed by the unaware boy.

As the boy finished his lunch and left the restaurant, Eric was relieved to find that he was still inside the boy's mouth. But he knew he couldn’t stay there forever. He needed to find a way out before it was too late.

Using all his strength and determination, Eric climbed up the boy's tongue and screamed for help. The boy, startled by the tiny voice in his mouth, opened his mouth and saw Eric. He quickly realized what had happened and gently took Eric out of his mouth.

The boy couldn’t believe what had just happened, and neither could Eric. He was grateful to be alive and safe in the boy's hand. Eric is returned to his family. From then on, Eric made sure to stay away from any dental offices, but he couldn’t help but wonder about the wild adventure he had just been on. It was a day he would never forget.

Tiny Eric's AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now