School Bake Sale

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Eric was born small, smaller than most newborns, so small that he could fit on a grain of salt. His parents were amazed and a little worried about their tiny son. They didn't know how they were going to keep him safe in a world where even the smallest insects towered over him.

As Eric grew, his parents had to come up with creative ways to keep him safe. They made him a tiny bed out of a matchbox and a small car out of a bottle cap. But Eric didn't mind, he was just happy to be alive and loved by his family.

One day, when Eric was 12 years old, he came to his mother with a request. 'Mom, there's a bake sale happening at school and I need something to bring,' he said in his small voice.

His mother, who was in the middle of doing laundry, was a little annoyed. She didn't have time to bake something for the school bake sale. But seeing the disappointment in her son's tiny face, she couldn't say no. 'Alright, I'll make some chocolate chip cookies for you. But you have to come and watch me make them,' she said with a smile.

Eric's face lit up and he eagerly followed his mother to the kitchen. He watched with amazement as she mixed the ingredients and formed a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies. As the final batch was baking in the oven, a breeze blew through the window and accidentally blew Eric onto one of the cookies.

Eric's body sank into the soft cookie, but he soon got stuck as it hardened. He frantically tried to alert his mother, but she was too busy putting the cookies into bags for the bake sale. Eric could only watch in horror as his mother placed the cookies into a container and brought them to his school.

At the school, Eric watched as people came and bought goods from the table where his cookies were displayed. He felt a sense of panic as his best friend Spencer walked up to the table. 'Oh no,' Eric thought, 'Spencer is going to buy me and eat me without even knowing it!'

And that's exactly what happened. Spencer picked up the bag of cookies that had Eric stuck inside and purchased them. He took the bag to a nearby table and began to enjoy his purchase.

Eric screamed and struggled, hoping to catch Spencer's attention, but he was too small to make any noise. As Spencer took a bite of the cookie, Eric was sent flying onto his giant tongue. Panicked, Eric continued to scream as Spencer started to chew, tossing him around in his mouth.

Eric was terrified and thought this was the end for him. But then, amidst the chewing and tossing, Spencer's chewing suddenly stopped. Eric could see Spencer's open mouth and he saw a glimmer of hope. 'Spencer, don't eat me!' he screamed as loudly as he could.

Spencer, who thought he heard his friend's voice, stopped chewing and opened his mouth. But unfortunately, he didn't see Eric among the mush of cookie. Thinking he was just imagining things, Spencer closed his mouth and continued to chew.

Just as Spencer was about to swallow, Eric mustered all of his strength and yelled as loud as he could, 'Spencer, it's me! Don't eat me!'

This time, Spencer heard him and stopped chewing. He quickly opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, hoping to find his tiny friend. To his relief, he saw Eric stuck on a piece of cookie. Spencer gently plucked Eric off the cookie with his fingers and set him safely on the table.

Eric's classmates were amazed and astounded at seeing their tiny classmate. They praised Spencer for saving him and asked to hear the whole story. From then on, Eric became known as the boy who was born the size of a grain of salt and survived being baked into a cookie.

From that day on, Spencer always double-checked his food before eating it, just in case there was a tiny friend in need of saving. And Eric never forgot the lesson he learned that day – even the smallest person can make a big difference.

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