Breakfast Time

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Eric had always been small, in fact, he was born the size of a grain of salt. It was a rare genetic condition that left him unable to grow beyond his tiny size. While it had its challenges, Eric had learned to adapt and make the most of his small stature.

One day, Eric's parents surprised him with a gift - a small device that would help him move around better at his size. The device was no bigger than a pea and could fly around, with a small opening for Eric to fit inside safely. He was overjoyed and couldn't wait to take it for a spin in his own home.

With his parents' permission, Eric ventured into the kitchen, his tiny device buzzing around him. His 2-year-old brother, Adam, was seated in his high chair, eagerly waiting for his breakfast. Eric loved watching Adam and often wished he could play with him at his own size.

As Eric flew around the kitchen, admiring everything from a new perspective, he suddenly felt the device lose power. Before he could react, it landed on the tray of Adam's high chair, which was littered with huge pieces of cereal. To Eric's horror, he was now stuck inside his device, resembling one of the cereal pieces on Adam's tray.

Panicked, Eric looked around and realized where he was - inside his brother's high chair, surrounded by giant pieces of breakfast food. He knew he had to get out of there before Adam saw him and tried to eat him.

But just as he was about to make a run for it, he saw Adam's hand come down and pick up the device, mistaking it for a piece of cereal. Eric tried to scream out to his brother, to tell him not to eat him, but he was too small to be heard.

With tears in his eyes, Eric watched as his brother brought him closer and closer to his mouth. He could see the massive tongue inside, waiting to devour him. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Eric started banging on the walls of his device, hoping to grab Adam's attention.

But it was no use. Adam popped the whole device into his mouth, and Eric was flung onto his giant tongue. As his brother began to chew, Eric held on for dear life, hoping he could survive the journey through his brother's giant mouth.

It was a terrifying and bumpy ride, but miraculously, Eric managed to hold on until Adam finally spat him out. His parents rushed over, relieved to see him safe and sound. Eric was shaken but grateful to be alive.

After that incident, Eric decided to be more careful with his adventures and always made sure to stay out of harm's way. But he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards his little device, which had become his lifesaver in more ways than one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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