Brother diaper

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One day, while Eric was perched on top of the baby powder bottle in the nursery, he watched as his father changed his one-year-old brother Adam's diaper. He observed with fascination as his dad carefully wiped Adam's bottom and sprinkled baby powder over his skin.

Eric was so mesmerized by the process that he didn't realize his dad was reaching for the bottle of baby powder he was sitting on. Before he knew it, the powder was being shaken over Adam's groin and Eric was tumbling off the bottle and into his brother's diaper.

Panicked, Eric tried to climb out of the diaper, but it was too late. His tiny body was now trapped inside, just inches away from his baby brother's penis. He could feel the thick layers of the diaper closing in around him, sealing him inside.

For a moment, Eric couldn't believe what had happened. He was stuck inside a diaper, unable to move, and with no way of getting out. As he struggled to find a way out, he couldn't help but think about how his parents would react when they found him.

Hours went by, and Eric could do nothing but wait. He listened as his brother cooed and gurgled, completely unaware of his unusual predicament. As the hours passed, Eric's stomach began to growl and he realized he was hungry. But there was no way for him to get out and find food.

Just when Eric thought things couldn't get any worse, he felt Adam begin to squirm. He knew what was coming next – his brother needed to pee. And Eric was trapped right below him.

With no choice but to hold on tight, Eric gritted his teeth as he felt the warm trickle of urine seep through the diaper and onto his tiny body. The smell was unbearable, and Eric couldn't help but feel disgusted and humiliated.

As the day wore on, Eric could feel the diaper becoming wetter and heavier. He knew he couldn't stay trapped in there for much longer. But just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, he felt his dad's gentle hands lifting him out of the diaper.

Eric was relieved to finally be free, but he was also embarrassed and terrified of what his parents would think. To his surprise, they were both worried and relieved to see him. They explained that they had been searching for him all day and had no idea he had gotten trapped in Adam's diaper.

After a thorough cleaning and a warm bath, Eric finally felt like himself again. His parents promised to be more careful in the future and make sure he was never put in harm's way again. From then on, Eric made sure to stay away from his brother's diaper changes and always kept a safe distance from the bottle of baby powder.

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