Snow Day

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Eric had always been small, but being born the size of a grain of salt was a whole new level of tiny. Despite his size, he didn't let it hold him back. He was always curious and adventurous, and nothing could stop him from exploring the world around him.

One snowy day, Eric was out playing with his little brother Aiden. They were having a great time building snowmen and having snowball fights. Aiden, just six years old, looked up to his older brother and loved spending time with him.

Eric was chasing after Aiden, trying to tickle him with a piece of grass, when a sudden gust of wind picked him up and carried him away. He screamed for Aiden to help him, but his brother couldn't hear him over the howling wind.

Before he knew it, Eric landed on top of a snowflake, gliding through the air. He looked down to see where he was headed and his blood ran cold when he saw Aiden's open mouth, with his tongue sticking out.

'NO, Aiden, stop!' Eric yelled, desperately trying to get his brother's attention. But Aiden was too caught up in the excitement of catching snowflakes on his tongue to hear his brother's cries.

Eric's heart raced as the snowflake landed on Aiden's tongue, melting instantly and leaving him stranded on his brother's giant taste bud. He was scared and worried as Aiden closed his mouth, ready to swallow the snowflake and Eric along with it.

'Aiden, STOP!' Eric yelled again, hoping to get through to his brother before it was too late. To his immense relief, Aiden's mouth stopped closing.

'Eric, where are you?' Aiden asked, confused by the sudden interruption.

'I'm in your mouth,' Eric replied, trying to steady his voice.

Aiden's eyes widened in shock and he quickly opened his mouth, reaching in to help his brother. But as he tried to rescue Eric, things only got worse for the tiny boy. As Aiden's tongue moved around, trying to catch him, it caused Eric to slip and slide towards the back of his throat.

Eric screamed for Aiden to stop, but his voice was muffled by the walls of his brother's mouth. He tried to grab onto something, anything, to stop himself from slipping further down. But it was no use, the wet and slippery surface of Aiden's tongue was impossible to grip onto.

Aiden grew more and more frantic as he watched his brother slip towards his throat. He knew that if Eric went down there, he would never be able to get him out. But he refused to give up.

Using all his strength, Aiden managed to push his tongue against the roof of his mouth, causing Eric to slide towards his hand. But just as Aiden's hand was about to reach him, Eric's tiny fingers slipped and he fell into Aiden's throat.

Both of them screamed in terror as Eric fell deeper and deeper into the dark and wet tunnel. But then, to their surprise, the fall suddenly stopped and Eric found himself sitting on Aiden's hand, safe and sound.

'I got you!' Aiden exclaimed, relief flooding over him.

Eric was overjoyed to be reunited with his brother and they hugged each other tightly. They both learned a valuable lesson that day, always listen to your older brother, even if he's only the size of a grain of salt.

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