sleepover at Spencer's

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Eric had always been fascinated by the world around him. But being born the size of a grain of salt had its challenges. Despite his tiny size, Eric had a big personality and a thirst for adventure. So when his best friend Spencer from school invited him for a sleepover at his house, Eric couldn't contain his excitement.

He had been begging his parents for weeks to let him go, promising to be careful and not cause any trouble. After much pleading, they finally gave in and allowed Eric to have his first sleepover at Spencer's house.

Spencer carefully placed Eric in his pocket, making sure he was comfortable. They set off on their journey to Spencer's house, with Eric holding onto the fabric of Spencer's pocket to steady himself.

When they arrived at the house, they were greeted by Spencer's younger brother, Ricky. Ricky was only six years old and looked at Eric with wide-eyed wonder. He had never seen someone as small as Eric before and was fascinated by him.

Spencer and Eric quickly made their way up to Spencer's room, hoping to escape Ricky's curious gaze. They spent the afternoon playing games and chatting, enjoying each other's company.

As evening approached, the boys started to feel hungry. They decided to head down to the kitchen to find some snacks. Spencer lifted Eric up and placed him on his shoulders so he could see everything.

But as they entered the kitchen, they were stunned by what they saw. There were all kinds of snacks laid out on the counter, from chips to cookies to chocolates. Eric's mouth watered at the sight of it all.

He was perched on Spencer's shoulders, taking in the delicious smells when Ricky joined them in the kitchen, also looking for a snack. Ricky's eyes lit up at the sight of all the food and he eagerly joined in the search for something to eat.

As they were digging into the snacks, Eric's life took an unexpected turn. He had been so mesmerized by the snacks that he didn't notice when he fell into a bowl of goldfish crackers.

Before he could react, Ricky's hand came into the bowl and grabbed a handful of crackers, along with Eric, and dropped them onto his snack plate. Eric landed on top of a goldfish cracker as Ricky grabbed it and brought it towards his mouth.

Eric's heart raced as he tried to maneuver himself off the cracker and away from Ricky's mouth. But before he could do anything, Ricky dropped the cracker, along with Eric, onto his giant tongue.

Eric held on for dear life as Ricky's tongue moved, trying to dislodge him from the cracker. He managed to avoid being swallowed and worked on getting out of Ricky's mouth. But as he was trying to escape, he saw a set of teeth heading towards him.

Panic-stricken, Eric screamed for help. Spencer, who had been searching for snacks in the kitchen, heard Eric's muffled screams and quickly ran towards Ricky. He grabbed Ricky's hand, pulling Eric out of his mouth just in time.

Eric was grateful to be safe in Spencer's hand once again. He couldn't believe how close he had come to being eaten by Ricky. But he also couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed that he missed out on enjoying the snacks.

Despite the close call, Eric and Spencer continued to have a fun sleepover, playing games and watching movies. But Eric couldn't shake off the memory of almost being swallowed by Ricky. From that day on, he made sure to be extra careful around human food. After all, being the size of a grain of salt, even the tiniest cracker could be a dangerous foe.

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