The Flying Device

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Eric had always been small, too small for his age. When he was born, he was no bigger than a grain of salt. His parents were worried sick about him, but the doctors assured them that he was healthy, just tiny. As Eric grew older, he learned to do everything at his size, from climbing bookshelves to using tiny utensils for meals.

One day, Eric's parents surprised him with a small, flying device. It was just a little bigger than Eric, but it was perfect for him. He could safely fit inside and control it with ease. Eric was ecstatic. Finally, he could move around more easily and explore his surroundings.

Excited to test out his new toy, Eric decided to take it for a spin in the school cafeteria during lunchtime. As he flew around, he couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. He weaved in and out of tables, dodging trays and drinks.

But suddenly, his device started losing altitude. Eric panicked as he tried to regain control, but it was too late. The device plummeted into a first-grade boy's lunch tray, right into a bowl of applesauce. The boy, oblivious to the tiny boy now in his food, began eating his lunch.

Eric was scooped up onto a spoon and then brought into the boy's mouth. Though he was glad to still be inside the device, he couldn't help but feel a bit queasy as he was tossed around the boy's mouth while he chewed. The giant tongue pushed him around, making it hard for Eric to keep his balance.

Just when he thought he was about to be swallowed, the boy suddenly burped. And out came Eric, along with a burst of air and the smell of applesauce. He flew out of the boy's mouth and landed on the cafeteria table in front of his friends, who were all staring at him in amazement.

Eric couldn't believe what had just happened. He had been inside the boy's mouth, being chewed and pushed around by his tongue. But he was also relieved to have made it out safely. His friends hovered around him, asking him what it was like inside a giant's mouth.

'I don't know if I ever want to do that again,' Eric said, shuddering at the thought. But as he looked back at his tiny device, he couldn't help but feel grateful. Without it, he wouldn't have been able to have such a wild experience. And despite the initial scare, Eric knew he would never forget the day he took his device for a spin in the school cafeteria.

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