Chapter 27: Prometheus

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The Ultratech Science Department in New York remained busy as usual. Their research and experiments led to advancements in various fields, such as medicine, technology, and climate change. Calming classical music played in the labs and offices throughout the day, creating a soothing and productive work environment.

As lunchtime neared, everyone gathered in the break room.

“Hey, guys! Lunch break is here! Who’s excited?” a woman said. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, catching the light in a shimmering golden hue.

“I am,” a man with short brown hair said. “My stomach growled all day.”

“You and me both, Bob. I was so focused on my research that I forgot to eat breakfast,” another man in dreads said.

The woman gasped. “Charlie, how could you miss breakfast?”

“Man, be lucky you were not hangry,” Bob said.

The three scientists found an empty table and claimed it as their own. As they settled in, they unpacked their lunches.

“So, I made some discoveries this morning,” Alice said. “A promising new compound that treats drug-resistant infections.”

“Oh, that sounds exciting!” Bob said. “For the project I’m working on, I might be onto something.”

“Geez, you two are progressing with your projects while I’m struggling,” Charlie said.

Alice bit into a turkey sandwich. “Which area are you struggling with?”

“I’ve been trying to develop a more efficient solar panel design, but I’m not progressing.”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up. It requires innovative thinking and tenacity. We’ve all hit roadblocks in our research,” Bob said. “The key is to persist, learn from setbacks, and never give up.”

The sliding doors opened, grabbing everyone’s attention. Still fuming, Cinder walked inside, ignoring the whispers as he approached the scientists.

“Are you three from Grady’s group?” the fire creature asked.

“We are,” Bob said. “Why?”

“Here.” Cinder flung a container to Bob, who almost fumbled his catch.

Alice peered at the bluish-silver gelatin in the container. “What is this?”

“Something from a mission I completed. I’m sure ARIA will call Grady soon. If you don’t mind, I’m heading to my cell. I need some time alone.”

“Uh, thanks. Awesome job on the mission, too!” Charlie said.

“Oh, blow me.” Cinder gave the scientists the middle finger while leaving.

Charlie scowled at Cinder’s retreating figure. “Sheesh, who or what pissed on his Cheerios?”

Alice sighed. “Cinder’s always been a loose cannon.”

Bob examined the gelatin. “Whatever this is, it must be crucial if Cinder delivered it to us.”

Charlie leaned forward. “Perhaps he found something useful for clean energy?”

“Guys, I think this is deeper than our projects,” Alice said.

“Hmm, you may be right,” Bob said. “Let’s talk to Carol.”


“Just as I figured,” Professor Grady said while examining the collagen through a microscope. Alice and her two colleagues entered her office earlier, explaining what had happened. “These samples belong to Homo Glacies.”

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