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In front of you was standing a horse, a huge horse. But there was something off about this horse. Its coat was black like midnight and as you moved your gaze up, you were met with the horse's blood red eyes.

It was staring you into the eyes. As you kept moving your gaze up your eyes were met with the rider. She had beautiful coral eyes. Her hair was long and black, just like the coat of the horse. You kept observing the details of her face. She had a nasty looking scar on her left cheek and slightly brushed over her lips.

She was looking at you with a steady gaze on her face. She looked threatening and the air felt ominous from the second you saw her, but from some reason, you weren't scared. You two kept looking at each other, she looked like she was reading you like a book.

"What are you doing here snooping around?" She asked, breaking the silence between you two. You kept looking at her silently, stunned from the way she looked. From the way she sits there, so effortlessly.

"Does the spy know how to talk?" She asked with a raspy voice. "I'm not a spy." You answer. "Well well, the girl does know how to talk." She laughs. "Didn't your bed time go by already?" She asked. "Haha, so funny." You answer. "Seriously, if I were you I would get going. The adults are talking." She says.

"Yeah, I would be at home sleeping if they were talking, but no, they decide to come and yell right under my window." You complain. "You live here?" She asked. "I do." You answer. "Good to know." She smirks.

"You have an attitude, I like it, but get out of my sight before I change my mind about letting you walk." She says. "Tell them not to yell." You say, shrugging your shoulders and heading back inside. You weren't sure, but you could almost swear that you heard a silent laugh let her mouth.

When you turn to look back at her, she is gone. Not a sign of her anywhere. That was weird, how was she able to sneak behind you so quietly, normally you are really aware of your surroundings.

You headed back inside and headed to bed. You couldn't shake her out of your mind though. You didn't even know her name.

You woke up the next morning to a sun peeking through your blinds. You stayed in bed for a while, before you got up and headed to make yourself some breakfast. After you had eaten you changed your clothes and headed outside. You didn't have anything planned for the day, but you figured you could go for a ride. It's always a great way to start the day.

When you walk into the stable, you could hear Misty greeting you happily. You got everything ready and started riding. You rode past the spot where they had been, but just as you thought there was no sign of anyone.

You come across a road sign and you stop for a while to read what it says. "Silverglade village" That sounds interesting, maybe you should visit there. Without another thought you start riding to the direction the sign is pointing.

You ride past a few fields and a beautiful river. It was pretty quiet, only some birds singing and Misty's hooves against the gravely road. After a while you heard something, it sounded like someone else riding and the voice was coming from behind you. You moved to the side of the road so the one behind you could possibly go past you.

"Oh hey, Y/N, right?" Lisa asked. "Oh yeah, hi" you greeted. The three riders behind you slowed down their pace, now riding next to you. There was Linda, Lisa and then a girl who was looking so familiar from somewhere. You tried to think where did you know her from when you realized she was the other girl from last night, the one with the orange beanie.

"My name is Alex, nice to meet you." She greeted. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Y/N." You said. "Where are you headed, would you like to ride with us?"  Lisa asked. "I was about to go to Silverglade village, but I can definitely ride with you." You smiled. "That's nice. We are going to Valedale, but we can ride together to Silverglade." Lisa smiled. "Sounds good." You answered.

The four of you continued to ride together. On the way there you told them about your old hometown and all the competitions you've been to. They said that they've ridden too since they were young.

While you were talking you couldn't help, but think about last night. What were they fighting about and who were the other two they were arguing with. Should you ask them about it? Maybe not.

New beginnings / Sabine x readerWhere stories live. Discover now