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Back home you took Misty back to the stable and decided to go for a little walk by yourself. You headed down the road that was going towards Moorland.

You had your earphones on and were pretty lost in your thoughts. Some riders went past you,  but you didn't even seem to notice.

"Hey Y/N, Where are you headed?" Lisa asked from behind you. "Oh, hi Lisa." You smiled, taking your headphones off. "I'm not headed anywhere. I was just on a walk." You answer. "Oh, would you have time to talk for a while?" She asked. "Umm, I guess so. What is it?" You asked.

"I just wanted to thank you for the earlier." She says. "Why exactly did you need that phone and who were those people?" You asked. "It's- It's complicated. Let's just say that riders and their horses have gone missing and those girls, Jessica and Katja, have something to do with it." She says. "What about the phone?" You asked. "We thought that we could find their location from there." She said. "Okay, but why me? Why did you want me to take it? I'm sure you know a lot of people who could've helped you?" You said.

"You are fast, Y/N. You and Misty are the fastest riders that I have ever seen." She said. "I still feel like you're not telling me everything." You sighed. "There are things that I can't tell you right now." She said.

"Would you like to come to Valedale with us tonight?" She asked, complitely changing the subject. "I'm not sure.." You sighed. "It'll be fun. We thought that we could go swimming and have some fun." She smiled. "Okay, I guess so, but I won't stay late." You said. "Amazing! We'll meet you at Fort Pinta in an hour? Okay?" She said. "Yeah, I'll see you there." You said and the two of you headed to different directions.

You headed back home and started to get ready. When you got all of your stuff you headed outside to get Misty. You still weren't sure if you trusted Lisa, Linda, Alex and Anne, to you it felt like they just used you. Did they even really wanna be your friends?

You started to ride towards Fort Pinta with Misty. When you got there, others were already waiting for you there. All of you started to ride towards Valedale. You were pretty excited to visit there since you haven't had a chance to go there yet.

The way there went smoothly, you chatted most of the way there, just about random things. Valedale was really beautiful, the water in the river was beautifully blue. When the sun hit the surface of the water, it almost looked like the river was full of diamonds.

The evening with them went nicely. You hung out together, went swimming, told stories and just had fun together. Just as you were starting to start riding back home Alex's phone rang. She answered the phone and it sounded urgent.

"Yeah yeah, we'll come right away." She said to the phone and looked at others. "I'm so sorry Y/N, do you mind riding back on your own? We really need to go." Alex said. "It's fine, you can go." You said and watched them rush away. A part of you wanted to follow them and see what was happening, but still you weren't sure if you should. "What do you think Misty?" You said looking at your horse. "Yeah, I thought so too." You smiled, jumping in the saddle.

You headed after them and it didn't take you long to catch up to them. They had stopped into a yard of the small cabin. They were talking to someone. You couldn't tell who it was, since they were dressed into a robe that covered their face. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but from their body language they seemed angry.

Soon after they continued their way, you didn't bother following them further. You turned around and headed back towards home.

Some part of the way you felt like you were being watched. You tried to look around you, but you couldn't see anyone.

"Sabine? Is that you?" You asked out loud. For a while it was silent. "How do you know that name?" A female voice asked and the familiar looking gray haired woman stepped in sight. "Who are you and why are you following me?" You asked.

"You stole from us." She said, walking closer to you. "Come on, I have no idea what is going on here, they asked me to take it and either way, I don't even have the phone anymore." You said, defending yourself. "So you do anything you are told?" She asked. "No." You answered.

"You should come with me." She said, now standing right in front of you. "How about no." You said. Before she had time to say anything more you heard a familiar voice.

New beginnings / Sabine x readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt