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"I met her when I was younger. We became friends immediately. It didn't take long for us to become inseparable. After a year of our friendship, I confessed to her how I felt and she felt the same. I loved her more than anything, she was everything I had.

One day we got met Darko and he introduced us to Mr. Sands. He offered us a job. Both of us hesitated a little, but at the time we had no idea what we were getting into. We felt powerful working for Mr. Sands, like nothing could stop us. And in the beginning it was okay, but by the time we started to realize what Dark Core was really up to.

We told Mr. Sands that we were done, that we didn't wanna work for him anymore, but he told us that it doesn't work like that. He said that once you're in, there's no way out. We tried to get away anyway. We escaped, but we should've known better. They captured us and brought us back here. They wanted us to learn that there is no way out.

I was ready to give up hope, but Raya wasn't. She confronted Mr. Sands even though I told her it was a bad idea. But she wanted us to be free. Mr. Sands got furious, he wasn't having her talking back. He walked to her and I can still remember the way he looked at me, when he told me he was going to give me a lesson.

He killed her right in front of me. I couldn't even say goodbye to her. I was so mad at him for taking her from me. I wanted to kill him, I wanted him to suffer, but I was too weak to do anything. I was too weak to defend us and she died because of me.

Somehow I just stayed here and started to believe that there isn't a way out. After losing Raya, I promised myself I would never let myself feel again, but then I met you. The second I saw you I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. At first I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't help it." Sabine says.

"But it seems I have failed yet again. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here right now, stuck in this cell, in this place." Sabine sighed. "I'm so sorry Sabine. You deserve so much more. I know you might think this is your fault, but it's not. You tried to warn me, but I didn't listen." You said.

"We are going to get us out of this cell and then we are going to get you out of here for once and for all." You said. "But-" She sighed. "We can do it. We are going to get out of here and you are going to get the life you deserve Sabine, I'm going to make sure of that." You said confidently. She turned to look at you with a slight smile on her face.

You got up from the ground and walked to the cell door, trying to look around. "Sabine, look." You said and pointed into the hallway. "What?" She asked. "Keys are in the hallway." You said. "There, hanging on the wall." You pointed. "Only if there was a way to reach them.

"Leave that to me." Sabine smiled. She stood close to the bars and started to do something with her hands. Soon after just like from the gush of wind the keys flew on the ground in front of our cell. "How did you do that?" You asked. "What?" Sabine asked, picking up the keys. "You can do magic?" You asked. "You can't?" She smiled.

"Let's get out of here." She said and opened the door. I know the fastest way out, follow me." She said, waving for you to follow her. "Wait." You said. "What? Come on Y/N, we have to go." She said. "What about Lisa, Linda, Anne and Alex?" You asked. "What about them?" She asked. "We have to let them out too." You said, picking up the keys.

"I don't care about them. Don't you remember that they dragged you into this shit in the first place?" She asked. "I know, but we can't leave them." You said. "Ughh, be fast." She said.

You started walking along the hallway, trying to find them. You were starting to lose your hope until you started to hear some talking. You headed closer to the voice, Sabine following after you. "Is anyone there?" You asked. "Y/N? Is that you?" Anne's voice asked.

You stepped in front of their cell where you found all four. "How did you get away?" Linda asked. "I got some help." You smiled and started to unlock their door. "Who?" Alex asked. At the same time Sabine stepped from the side of the cell so they could see her

"You? What are you doing here?" Alex asked annoyedly. "Get away from here." Anne frowned. "Stop it. She is staying or you're not getting out." You said. "But-" Anne started. "You heard her." Sabine smirked. "What is going on here?" Lisa said. "It's a long story." You smiled opening the lock.

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