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You woke up the next morning around 11am. You stayed up pretty late last night. You headed to your kitchen to get something to eat. As you were eating, a message popped into your phone. It was from Linda.

She was asking if you'd like to come ride with them. You said that you would love to and headed to change your clothes. You agreed that you would meet at Fort Pinta. You headed outside and went to get Misty from the stable.

When you were ready, you started to ride towards Fort Pinta. You came across a few riders on your way, other than that the way there was peaceful.

When you got there you already saw Linda waiting for you. "Hey." You greeted. "Hey, nice that you came." She smiled. "Is anyone else coming?" You asked. "Umm, yeah. Lisa, Alex and Anne are coming too. I don't think we introduced you to Anne yet." She said. "No not yet, you were in a rush." You said. "Oh yeah, we had some- business that we needed to handle." She said. You nodded quietly.

The two of you chatted while you were waiting for others. "Hey, there you are, finally." Linda greeted as the others finally came.

"Hey, you must be Y/N, I'm Anne." The girl with pink strands said. "Yeah, nice to meet you." You smiled. "So what are we waiting for, let's get going." Alex said.

All of you chatted as you were riding. You had no idea where you were even headed, but you just followed them. "So Y/N, you have competed a lot?" Anne asked. "Yeah, you could say that." You laughed. "I've competed since I was young." You continued.

"That's nice. I don't wanna sound like a creep, but I googled your name and I was stunned. You've won basically every competition you've gone to." Lisa said. "Yeah, I guess so." You laughed a bit awkwardly. "Do you think you could help us with something?" Alex asked. "Yeah, sure. What is it?" You asked.

"Well, there has been something weird going on here lately. Some riders and their horses have gone missing. We have tried to find them, but it's difficult." Alex said. You looked at her, listening carefully. "We need to get something from this ferry that is parked in Moorland, but every time we have tried to go even near that place, they drive us away." Alex explains.

"Why won't you just ask them to give it?" You asked. "It's not that simple. We think they are responsible for people going missing. I need you to go and get a phone from that ferry. We think that it might have some information that we need." Alex says. "Umm, I don't know. Isn't that stealing?" You asked. "Well technically yes, but they are bad people." Alex says.

"Please." Anne begged. "Umm well, I guess so." You sighed. "Omg thank you so much. We will show you the place." Anne says.

You had a bad feeling about this, but you wanted to help. If that could help them to find the missing people, you think it's worth it. Still you felt like they weren't telling everything.

When you got close to the beach they told you where you could find the phone and then they headed a bit further from the place. The ferry was parked by the beach.

You headed closer to the ferry, trying to be as fast as possible. Luckily you couldn't see anyone there. You rode to the deck and headed closer to the place that they had pointed to you. There it was, a phone on the small table at the left side of the ferry. You picked up the phone, but suddenly heard a voice from behind you.

"What do you think you're doing?" A guard asked you. "Umm, nothing." You lied. "Give it back to me. This is private property, you have no business being in here." He growled. "I guess I'll just go then." You said and quickly rode past him. "Wait, stop right there!" He yelled, trying to run after you.

You got back to the beach, away from the ferry. You started to ride towards the direction where they had gone. As you got closer to Moorland, a ominous, threatening feeling came over you.

"Where do you think you're going?" A female voice asked from behind you. You turned around to look who it was. It was the two women from your first night here.

"Give it back and maybe we'll let you go." The black haired girl said. "I- I don't know what you're talking about." You said. "Save your lies. We know that you have it." The woman said. Before you could answer you could hear a group riding to you from behind.

"Jessica and Katja. Get away from her." Linda said. "We should've guessed that you are behind this. Just tell her to give the phone back and no one gets hurt." Katja says. "Y/N, give the phone to me and get away from here." Anne says. You turned to look at her, with a confused look on your face.

"Just give it to me." She said. You reached your hand and gave her the phone. "Thank you Y/N, you can go." Alex said. Without another word you headed away from the group.

New beginnings / Sabine x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum