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All of you headed along the hallway, following Sabine who was showing you the way. "Y/N, why is she helping us?" Linda asked, walking close next to you. "Turns out she is just pretty much wrong understood." You answered. "That's hard to believe." Alex said. "How can you even know that?" Lisa asked.

"I've known her since I moved here." You answered. "What?" They asked in unison. "Y/N, She is one of the dark riders, she is dangerous. Why haven't you told us, we could've protected you." Alex says. "Yeah, talk about me like I'm not right here." Sabine said. "We don't trust you." Alex said. "Likewise." Sabine said.

Finally we got out of the building, but we still had a problem. This rig was in the middle of water. "Sabine, how do we get out of here?" You asked, walking to her. "Just follow me." She said. "I trust you, but I'm not going to swim if that's what you're thinking." You said. "Stop whining and just walk." She said.

"Here." Sabine stopped, pointing in front of her. There was a small ferry attached to the rig. "Get in." Sabine said. "I'll go get Khaan and Misty, stay here." Sabine said. "I gotta get Meteor and Starshine too." Lisa said. "Be quick." You said and stayed to wait with Linda, Anne and Alex.

"Y/N, please explain." Alex said as soon as Lisa and Sabine were out of sight. "There's nothing to explain. "Yes there is. She is enemy. You have no idea what she has done." Alex said. "I don't need to know. She has proven to me what kind of person she is and that is what matters, not her past." You said. "Listen to yourself, you're not thinking straight." Anne said. "You have no right lecturing me. You are the reason I'm here after all. You dragged me into this, you used me." You said. "But we are the good guys." Alex said. "Then start acting like it." You said annoyedly.

Before any of them could answer Sabine and Lisa got back with Misty and Khaan. "Okay let's go." You said walking into the ferry. "Do you know how to drive this?" You asked Sabine. "I'm sure I'll figure it out." She smiled. "Sounds promising." You let out a small laugh. "We have to be quick though, I'm sure it doesn't take long for them to notice we're gone." Sabine says.

After all of us are in we start moving. The rig is left behind us as we start to head towards the shore. Finally you could let out a deep breath of relief. You walk to Sabine and quickly wrap your arms around her. "We did it." You smiled. "Don't say that yet, we still have to get to the shore and figure out what we're gonna do after that." She says. "I'm sure we'll figure it out." You smiled.

The sun was starting to set as the day got closer to the night. When you finally reached the shore you parted ways with Linda, Lisa, Anne and Alex. You're not sure if you'll meet them again. Maybe. Maybe not.

You and Sabine stood at the beach, watching at the sea. "What do you wanna do now?" You asked. "I- I don't know." She answered, watching the sunset. "Well, the world is open." You smiled. "Yes. Yes it is." Sabine smiled and turned to look at you.

"Thank you." She smiled. "I should thank you." You said. "We should get going." You continued. "I know. Let me just enjoy the few for a minute longer." She said. "That sunset is pretty." You said. "I meant you." She smiled. You looked at her smiling.

The way her coral eyes were sparkling in the last rays of sun, adored you. You leaned closer to her, closing the gap between you two and pressing your lips against hers. You could feel her smiling against the kiss.

After everything that happened to her, she had every right to be the villain, but now she could heal. She was now free.


and that is a wrap. i hope you enjoyed this story. this ending feels like its a little rushed, but honestly i ran out of ideas. but still, thank you for reading, thank you for voting🫶🏻

love Candida Sealord

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