fuck, a new year in hogwarts, harder work, boring classes, annoying people, i really cant be bothered with it. 

i get into an empty compartment on the train, sitting down and putting my headphones on, zoning out and staring out the window. after a couple minutes i get a tap on my shoulder, taking my headphones off and putting them around the back of my neck i turn around and see draco, his friends stood behind him.

"hey jade, mind if we sit?" he asks smiling at me

"knock yourself out" i say to him, looking back out the window and at the beautiful scenery, the huge spruce trees that cover all the ground, the little lakes in every empty space and the reflection of the sun on them. the thing is that draco always talks to me, wants to get to know me, be my friend, but really im just not interested. i keep to myself, i always have, the only actual friend i have is luna, people always took advantage of her so i became her friend and kept everyone else away. i could trust that girl with anything, shes just the purest person you'd ever meet.

i looked back into my compartment and looked around, draco sat opposite me, mattheo next to him, then theo and then blaise next to me, an empty seat inbetween us.

"soooo... what'd you do over the summer jade?" draco asks, breaking the silence in the small room.

"just the usual, you know, not much" i look back at him replying

"you do know jade, your fathers gonna involve you soon, you know that, right?" he asks, lowering his voice and taking my hand in his, a worried look on his face

"i know draco, we'll all be involved soon enough" i reply with a straight face, pulling my hand away to take a cig and lighter out my pocket, putting the cigarette between my teeth and looking back up at him

"the fire alarm?" he asks, pointing up at the small white circle on the ceiling

i stand up and get onto my seat, grabbing a flip-knife out of my pocket and stabbing it into the side of the fire alarm, then pulling it off the ceiling, pulling out the wires and cutting them too so that it falls onto the floor. i step back down, holding blaises hand as he helps me, then leaning over, grabbing the alarm off of the floor and taking the batteries out. i smile at draco, then picking my lighter back up off of the small table and lighting my cig, taking a puff and then taking it out of my mouth, holding it between two of my fingers to then put my lighter and knife back into my pocket and looking up to smile at him

"problem solved, you want some?' i asks smirking at him

"no thanks, i don't do that shit unless im drunk" he waves and laughs 

"fair enough' i raise my eyebrows and take another puff

"so, where's your crazy friend right now jade?" he asks laughing, sitting one of his hands onto the table inbetween us.

i pull the knife back out of my pocket and open it to then stab the table right inbetween two of his fingers. his face flushes white and looks up at me shocked.

"when are you gonna learn malfoy, don't talk about her like shit" i say to him, pulling the knife out of the table and leaning back into my seat, finishing my cig and putting it out on the underneath of the table, then chucking it underneath dracos seat. the other boys just stare in amusement. i turn around to my side, pulling my legs up and crossing them on the empty seat now in front of me to look at blaise

"how was your summer blaise?" i ask him and smile

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