"do you guys wanna know something?" i ask, my eyebrows raising. the 2 boys nod. "i keep catching cormac staring at me. disgusting. and ill always call him out on it and he'll always just shake his head and laugh and then bite his lip. he bites his fucking lip at me, disgusting" i laugh

"that is disgusting" mattheo laughs and i can just see theo shaking his head and looking down, playing with his rings out of the corner of my eye.

we all finished our cigs and put them out, then walking all the way back to the common room. as soon as we get back, me and mattheo sit back down on the sofas but theo walks right past us and to his dorm. we all just start talking, thinking theos gone to get something or whatever but then he comes back out without his cloak or blazer on and a bunch more rings on his fingers than he had before. he was holding something too, holding it tight in his closed hand. he just walks right back out of the common room again, not saying a word.

"anyone know what that's about?" blaise asks, looking at all of us. he just gets a bunch of "no"s in return. after about 10 to 15 minutes i start to get worried.

"i'm gonna go find theo" i say, standing up and walking out of the common room and then walking around the castle until i see him sat in the walkway next to the courtyard, sat in one of the open arches of the wall. i get closer to him and theres blood all over him

"are you okay theo? what happened?" i ask him, my hands cupping his face to look closely at the cuts and bruises on his face.

he lets out a shaky sigh,"cormac won't be staring at you anymore" he raises his eyebrows and smiles but hisses when he does as his eyebrows split

"theo you- okay, let me clean you up" i smile softly at him and then hold his arm and walk him to my dorm. as we walked through the common room everybody stared, we continued walking to my dorm. i went in first, theo trailing behind me and shutting the door, i call him over to my bathroom, i sit on the counter, my first aid box next to me and pull him inbetween my legs.

"you're gonna need stitches by the way... and it's gonna hurt- here" i hold his hands and place them on my thighs so he can grip something whilst im cleaning him up. i take the anti-septic wipes out and start softly wiping his face, his grip getting tighter on my thighs as it stings him, he stares at me the whole time. i wipe the blood from his nose, lip, eyebrows and head and then everywhere else, just making sure. i look down and wipe his knuckles clean, theos grip tightening once again as i do so.

i put the wipes down and then get out my stitching stuff, i look up to him and he nods his head, giving me the signal to go. he runs his hands up and down my thighs to calm himself as i stitch his eyebrow back together,"i'm almost done i promise". i finish stitching his eyebrow and move back, admiring my work and smile. i bandage up his eyebrow, lip and the bridge of his nose and then hold his head in my hands."all done"

theo moves his head to the side to look into the mirror and then moves back to me,"thank you jade" he says, still rubbing my thighs

"no problem" i smile at him softly and stroke his cheek and then i slip off of the counter, our bodies pressing together as i do and theo looks down at me. the door knocks. i sigh and walk over to the door opening it and seeing mattheo there,"did you find- theo?.. what happened to you mate?" his eyebrows scrunch up in confusion as he looks at his mate and all the bloody wipes around him

"oh i-uh beat up cormac..." he nods and raises his eyebrows

"oh uhm... alright? he had it coming so good on you mate" mattheo laughs,"right im going to bed, just wanted to know where theo had gotten off to, night guys" he waves and walks away. i close the door behind him and turn around to see theo stood behind me

"im-uh gonna go to bed, thank you jade" theo says and smiles at me

"it's not a problem theo, goodnight" i smile back at him

"goodnight jade" he replies and leaves

i get changed into some fluffy pj trousers and a long-sleeved black top and some fluffy socks, i get into bed and snuggle into the covers, falling asleep 

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